The Zener School for the Mind

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Monday, November 24th, 2008
Who: Charles Brandon, Clair Montgomery-Andrews, Kiku Miyagi and River Simmon
What: Double date.
Where: School parking lot, the mall in town
When: Backdated to Sunday

It was nice to spend time with people who weren't his friends. )

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Who: River Simmon and Clair Montgomery-Andrews. Cameo by Justin Montgomery-Andrews
Where: Student parking lot (again)
When: Monday afternoon, after school
What: Saying goodbye.
Notes: Started as a very short log. Will be continued in comments. Your turn Luna :P

Hmmm? )

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Who: Justin Montgomery-Andrews and Mr Saunders and Open to anyone else who wants to be walking along.
When: Monday. Smack dab in the middle of the school day
Where: Hallways?
What: Because Justin told Clark that he'd flash the Headmaster while wearing his ghost costume. He'll get into trouble for this...yeah.
Notes: I think I mentioned doing this narrative once to you Rissa. If there is too much powerplaying on of Mr Saunders here, I will be more then happy to correct it.

Moon away. )

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