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Tuesday, November 4th, 2008
Who: Yes & Tory
When: Nov 4
Where: The cafeteria
What: Yes just got back from voting in his first Presidential election! He celebrates with pancakes.

Pancakes, of course! )

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Who: Issak Hudson and Coin Martin
When: Monday night
Where: Issak's room
What: Sleep over?

Issak has a new puppy. )

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Who: Clark and Jayne
When: Nov 3, nighttime
Where: Jayne's room
What: Clark brings the perv some porn

I had a rubber duckie )

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7:25p - Thread: Tory & River
Who: Tory Gnosis and River Simmon.
When: November 4. Evening.
Where: School; Their dorm room.
What: Roommates hanging out in their room?

Math was a universal language )

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Who ? Dr. Bishop, Maggie, Gunner
When ? BACKDATED to Sunday
What ? Live exploratory surgery for the sake of education
Where ? Dr. B's lab!

My underneath )

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Who ? O and Aries
Where ? Aries' room
When ? BACKDATED to Monday
What ? O needs to unwind

And I have been missing the rapture this whole time )

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Who ? Dimitri, Colin, OPEN (just in case)
Where ? School -----> town
When ? Tuesday night
What ? Dimitri needs a stiff drink. Lots of them.

When I kill her, I'll have her )

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Who: Nando & Evan
When: Nov 3, nighttime
Where: The gym
What: No election for Nando. He's sweatin' it out.

He just wanted to make sure no one thought him to be dead. )

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Who: Pepper & Jayne
What: discussion and explanations
Where: Pepper's room
When: about 15 minutes after this

Ex-sensitive boy, did you drown in all the lights of your noise? )

current mood: numb

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10:58p - Log/Thread: Jadyn& Isaiah
Who: Jadyn Shaw and Isaiah Deaver.
When: November 4. Late afternoon.
Where: School; Computer Lab.
What: Isaiah comes to chat. So they chat. And then maybe make-out?
Notes: Started in log form, to be finished in comments.

Anyone home? )

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