The Zener School for the Mind

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Monday, November 3rd, 2008
Who: Parker Leeds and Uriah Brownstone
When: Monday night
Where: Crunk'd
What: Uriah goes to get a drink. Parker's covered in glitter from neck to ass. They meet.

Glitter. )

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Who:Parker & Jaz
When: Nov 3 / Lunchtime
Where: A coffeehouse.
What: Two times now Parker's ability hasn't worked. He needs to find out why.

He hadn't planned it. )

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1:40p - Log: Quinn & Vannie
Who: Quinn Crawford & Vannie Holmes
When: October 30th, Evening (Backdated)
Where: Dance to Vannie's Room
What: A lobster, a hot dog, and a bottle of whiskey.

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3:27p - Thread: Riston & Pepper
Who: Pepper Mason and Riston Van Dousen.
When: November 3. Afternoon. After classes.
Where: Pepper/Mercy's Room.
What: Looking at Halloween pictures and general Will&Grace style bonding.

There were a lot of photos )

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3:49p - Thread: River & Any
Who: River Simmon & Any
When: Monday November 3rd. 10th grade English class 1-2pm
Where: Zener grounds
What: River skips class to go and enjoy a quiet afternoon alone.

Tsk tsk, starting off bad already )

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6:17p - Thread: Minnie and Kyle
Who: Minnie ter Haar and Kyle Carmichael
When: November 3rd, Late afternoon/Evening
Where: Cafeteria
What: General conversation and interaction.

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8:48p - Log: Jacob & Maggie
Who: Jacob P & Maggie McArthur
When: October 31st, Late Evening (Backlog)
Where: Outskirts of North Conway
What: After dinner and some time alone.

A view of the town at night and something more... )

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9:33p - Thread: Drake & Erina
Who: Drake & Erina
Where: Halloween Party in Town at a farm.
When: Saturday Afternoon (11/1)
What: Getting out.

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