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Tuesday, October 7th, 2008
10:46a - Thread: Trevor & Mercy
Who: Trevor O'Shea & Mercy Wilde
When: Oct. 7th, Afternoon
Where: Trevor's Van
What: Going into town for things and Trev continues to have no recollection of that night.

Patches of memory gone without a trace. )

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1:52p - Sage Bennedict and Open!
Who: Sage and Any
When: Tuesday afternoon, 3pmish
Where: Teacher's Lounge
What: Sage is taking a five minute breather

school is hard work at any age )

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4:09p - Thread: Koty & Dr. Bishop
Who: Koty Rayne and Dr. Bishop.
When: October 7. Afternoon.
Where: Base; Medlab.
What: Koty goes to demand that the Doctor teach him to do nurse-type-things.

Teach me, yo! )

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7:10p - Thread: Ziggy & Kirsten
Who: Konrad Zigarsky & Kirsten Everley
When: Oct. 7th, Afternoon
Where: Rec Room
What: MST3000 & Uncomfortableness

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Who ? The Falkland Twins
Where ? In Town
When ? Tuesday evening
What ? Learning to use their powers for evil

You PMS like a bitch, I should know )

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Who: Jacob Pettifer and Cree Slavin (Ethan's in charge!)
Where: Stargate base; Jacob's room.
What: Cree is asleep and Ethan comes out to play. And decides to try and play with Jacob. Jacob is not impressed.

I'm sure he'd let you, and he might even like it. )

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