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Monday, October 6th, 2008
12:30p - Thread: Zener Staff
Who: Zener Staff
When: Oct. 6th, Lunch
Where: Teacher's Lounge
What: Teachers/Staff enjoying a luncheon.

Sandwiches and other treats. Obligatory coffee. )

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1:05p - Thread>Roxy>Any(s)
Who: Roxy and Any
When: Oct. 6th, early afternoon
Where: Rec Room
What: Television

(2 comments |comment on this)

6:48p - Delivery for Jarrod Krippler
Left for Jarrod )

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7:08p - Thread: Kirsten & Ziggy
Who: Kirsten Everley & Konrad Zigarsky
When: Oct. 6th, Afternoon
Where: Hallway
What: Random run-in and awkwardness.

She didn't see it coming. )

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