The Zener School for the Mind

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Tuesday, August 5th, 2008
9:55a - Thread: Quinn, Vanessa, any
Who: Quinn Crawford, Vanessa Holmes, any
August 5th, Morning
School's Library
Quinn looks for a book and drives Vanessa nuts in the process.

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Who: Jadyn Shaw and Isaiah Deaver
When: Late morning-ish after painting and a shower
Where: Computer labs to the town.
What: Jadyn and Isaiah go to a motel in town to watch porn. Inappropriateness abounds. :P

Oh goodie...field trip )

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Who ? Killian and Open to P:S Psychics
Where ? Project: Stargate HQ
When ? Tuesday, Aug 5, noonish
What ? Coping with forced drug use.

I used to have a drug problem, now I have enough money )

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Box and Note left for Elizabeth Rose )

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1:58p - Note for the psychic web
Note left for psychic web members )

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2:44p - Thread: Braylen & Eddie
Who: Braylen King and Eddie Flynn.
When: August 5, Late afternoon.
Where: Eddie's room.
What: Playing dress up. Seriously.

The clothes fairy has come )

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5:09p - Thread: Nora, anyone
Who: Nora Wall & Anyone
When: August 5th, Evening
Where: Zener Cafeteria
What: Having a late desert

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5:55p - Thread: Brandilyn Kane and any
Who: Brandilyn Kane and any
When: August 5, early evening
Where: Bench somewhere outside the school
What: Brandi's bored, and trying to think of something non explosive to do. And failing miserably.

thinking is hard )

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8:20p - Thread: Morgan & anyone
Who: Morgan Korim and anyone
Where: Zener Gardens
When: Nearly midnight
What: Midnight toke

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