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Monday, August 4th, 2008
8:30a - Flex!
Who: Yes & Sean
When: Aug. 4, 9 AM
Where: The gym!
What: Yes is getting his workout on because he's been lazy. And with the talk of porn, he'd rather not be near the journals presently.
Rating: half naked Yes?

Yes had run out of excuses )

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9:51a - thread: riston & any
Who: Riston Van Dousen, Anyone
When: August 4th, Morning
Where: Outside Zener
What: Smoking behind a tree.

(11 comments |comment on this)

9:54a - Thread: Quinn, Andrew, any

Who: Quinn Crawford, Andrew Yates, & Any
When: August 8th, Morning
Where: Mr. Yates' Office
What: Quinn is bored and decides he wants to be dramatic.

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Who ? Eddie, Noel, Pudding
Where ? Their Room
When ? Monday morning 4 am
What ? late night adventures? There's a thunder storm at night and Eddie is worried it will upset Pudding. Honestly.

When you asked me how I was doing was that some kind of joke? )

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10:15a - Thread: Derek & Rylee
Who: Derek Schumaker & Rylee Jones
When: August 4th, Morning
Where: Rylee's Dorm
What: Sharing cookies

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Who: Jarrod & Koty
When: Aug. 4, noonish
Where: Rec Room
What: Jarrod is playing Super Smash Brothers (because of course Project: Stargate supports violence and has all the fun stuff like a Wii)!
Rating: Uh...someone how this turned NC17 for nakedness

Zelda? Samus? The blue dog? )

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12:46p - Thread: Maggie, any
Who: Maggie McArthur, any!
When: August 8th, Early Afternoon
Where: Town, Music Store
What: Spending time away from the base.

Help me you make me perfect, help me become somebody else )

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6:36p - Private to Project: Stargate > Grier
Who: Irish Grier, Lex
When: August 4th, Early Afternoon
Where: Stargate
What: Transfer from John to Grier.

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8:44p - Thread: Dameon & Eddie
Who: Dameon Wilder and Eddie Flynn.
When: August 4. Evening.
Where: Club in town.
What: Dirty dancing. No, not the movie. Actual dancing.

I carried a watermelon )

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