The Zener School for the Mind

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Tuesday, July 29th, 2008
8:43a - Thread: Trevor, any
Who: Trevor O'Shea, any
When: July 29th, Morning
Where: Weight Room
What: Doing some weight lifting

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11:20a - Log: Kian & Mr. Six
Who: Kian Travers and Avery Six.
When: July 28th. Evening. (Backdated).
Where: Avery’s room.
What: Kian goes to take care of the problem that is the omnilinguist. Avery, say hello to trouble.
Notes: Everyone read this one. It’s sort of important :P

Mission accomplished )

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1:28p - Thread: Maddox & Open
Who: Maddox Ripley and Open!
When: July 29. Early afternoon.
Where: Outside, in back of the school.
What: Maddox is smoking. Someome might come across him?

Contemplative )

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1:32p - Thread: Kirsten, any!
Who: Kirsten Everley, any!
When: July 29th, Early Afternoon
Where: Cafeteria
What: Making a 'Get Well Soon' card for Mr. Six!

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1:44p - Thread: Rollerblading
Who: RJ & Molly
When: Afternoon
Where: Town
What: Rollerblading.

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4:17p - Thread: Maddox & Spencer
Who: Maddox Ripley and Spencer Quinn.
When: July 29. Late afternon.
Where: Their dorm room.
What: Antagonistic roommates. The neat freak and the trouble maker.

He grunted out something that could have been a 'hey' or 'hello' or some other sort of half-greeting )

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6:20p - Thread: Natalie & Kian

Who: Natalie Davenport & Kian Travers
When: July 29th, Afternoon
Where: Sleep Lab
What: Natalie seeks help with psychic shields from Kian.

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Who: Brandilyn Kane and anyone
When: 29th July, Afternoon
Where: outside, wandering around campus grounds
What: Bored, Brandi is on edge and looking for an excuse to use her powers

any excuse )

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9:44p - Thread: Eddie & Gav
Who: Gav Reyes and Eddie Flynn.
When: July 29. Early evening.
Where: Their dorm room.
What: Gav thinks Eddie is out, and uses the time to shoot up. Enter Eddie. Whoops.
Warnings: Drug use, obviously :P

Alone time, interrupted )

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