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Monday, July 28th, 2008
Who ? Vaughan and OPEN (to psychic web types)
Where ? If he knew, he would tell you
What ? Getting Psychic Web peoples back on track
When ? Monday morning

There's a big, a big hard sun beating on the big people in the big hard world )

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10:28a - Thread: Riston & Any
Who: Riston Van Dousen
When: July 28th, Lunch.
Where: Rec Room
What: Subs and The Price is Right.

yummy )

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11:33a - Thread: Andy, any
Who: Andy Freeland, any
When: July 28th, Lunchtime
Where: In town
What: Browsing through a book store

Reading rainboooow! )

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12:50p - Thread: Walter & Dameon
Who: Walter Avery and Dameon Wilder.
When: Monday, Early Afternon.
Where: Random hotel in Quebec.
What: Road-trip with roommates.

Welcome to Quebec )

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Who: Mercy and Trevor.
When: July 28th, Afternoon
Where: Trev & Eli's room, to van.
What: Mercy brings Eli treats before she and Trev go off.

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Who: Yes & No Pepper & Open.
When: July 28th, Afternoon
Where: Poolside, the deep end
What: Yes hates the heat. Hates it. The only cure? More cowbell Swimming!

If anyone could hear a sigh under water, there would have been a big one. )

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