The Zener School for the Mind

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Saturday, July 26th, 2008
3:41p - Thread: Natalie, any
Who: Natalie Davenport, any
When: July 21st, morning.
Where: Outside
What: Taking a walk.

Walking along on a sunny day )

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4:11p - Thread: Kian & Bruce
Who: Kian Travers and Bruce Fforde.
When: July 26. 1pm.
Where: Biology classroom.
What: Bruce has responded to Kian's offer of assistance. They work on Bruce's abilities and Kian assesses his worth for... other things. Mwahahaha.

Anything of importance he would write down later in the privacy of his own room. )

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Who ? Walter and Dameon
Where ? Their Room
When ? Saturday afternoon
What ? Walter tried to make his room mate feel betterr

don't stand so close to me )

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Who: Samantha Cousino and Noel Washington
When: July 25, Late afternoon.
Where: School track
What: Noel walks his new puppy, Pudding and meets up with a friend.

Two empaths. )

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9:16p - Narrative: Ronald Welsh and Avery Six
Who: Ronald Welsh and Avery Six
When: July 26, Early morning.
Where: School parking lot, inside Avery's car
What: Avery bring Ronald to Zener Scool for the Mind.

Yes. Welcome to my welcome. )

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