The Zener School for the Mind

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Friday, July 25th, 2008
Who: Bruce Fforde and Molly
When: Several minutes after his initial journal entry. Backdated..becuase if he waited this long to pee the boy belongs in the ER and not at school :P
Where: Random girl's bathroom.
What: Because there is no toilet paper in the boy's washroom...Bruce take a trip next door.

He'd chose the bathroom on the most isolated hallway. )

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9:19a - Thread: Erina & Drake
Who: Erina Furizawa & Drake Stravos
When: July 25th, Mid-Morning
Where: Video Store in Town
What: Just chatting.

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11:19a - Thread: Mr. Shaw, Mr. Yates & Mr. Crawford
Who: Jadyn Shaw, Quinn Crawford and Andrew Yates.
When: July 25, late morning.
Where: Teacher's Lounge.
What: Three dorky teachers talking and hanging out!

Land of the Photocopier )

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Who: Braylen & Sebastian.
When: Evening.
Where: Out front of the school, then whatever rave Braylen takes them to.
What: Braylen left Sebastian a message that said to meet him out in front of the school.

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5:18p - Thread: Pepper, Mercy, Trevor, Eli & Alice
Who: Pepper, Mercy, Trevor, Eli and Alice.
When: Friday Afternoon through Saturday.
Where: Some campground outside of North Conway, NH.
What: Camping!

Who's on tent duty?? )

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7:56p - Thread: Grayer & Bruce
Who: Grayer Valentine and Bruce Fforde.
When: July 25, Early Evening.
Where: Foyer of the school.
What: Random encounter between newly arrived Grayer and Bruce, who turns out to be his roommate.

But even the slowest walker got to their destination eventually. )

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