The Zener School for the Mind

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Saturday, July 5th, 2008
12:19p - Thread: Kirsten Everley, any
Who: Kirsten Everley, any
When: July 5th, midday
Where: Library
What: Reading comic books and being bored.

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5:30p - Thread: Trev & Mercy
Who: Trev O'Shea & Mercy Wilde
When: July 5, Afternoon.
Where: Trev's Room
What: Mercy comes over to talk.

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5:42p - Thread: Eddie and Gav
Who: Eddie Flynn and Gav Reyes.
When: July 5, Afternoon.
Where: Their room.
What: The roommates interact.

Some people had sugary cereals for breakfast. Gav Reyes had drugs. )

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6:49p - Thread: Isaiah Deaver and Jadyn Shaw
Who: Isaiah and Jadyn Shaw
Where: School computer lab
When: 4th July. Afternoonish
What: Isaiah causes a black out. That's pretty much it.

Ooops? )

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Who ? Eddie and Kian
Where ? Kian's room
What ? Stargate business and other things
When ? July 5, dinner time.
Warning : NSFW - evil plotting and smut

maybe I'll put my love on ice )

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