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Thursday, July 3rd, 2008
Who: Logan Myles, Any
When: Thursday, July 1st, 11am
Where: Outside
What: Getting cat down from a tree

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2:41p - Thread: Trev & Mercy
Who: Trev O'Shea
When: Thursday, July 3, Afternoon.
Where: Outside
What: Going to head to Best Buy

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3:20p - Thread: Molly and RJ.
Who: Molly Flanagan and RJ Jameson.
When: Thursday, July 3, Afternoon.
Where: Kitchen.
What: Making oatmeal for no apparent reason. Well, except to eat it.

It's Quaker time )

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11:41p - Thread: Spencer and Maddox.
Who: Maddox Ripley and Spencer Quinn.
When: July 3, Evening.
Where: Their room.
What: Roommates talking? The neat freak and... the not neat freak.

He'd get around to putting things away... eventually. )

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