Welcome to your Second Life
.:.:.:: :. ...: .::.:. ..::

Your Second Life
Those who die with greedy hearts turned selfless are given a Second Life.

Those who die without reason are given a Second Life.

Welcome to your Second Life.

August 2011
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Double Whammy (Chapter 12)

Holy carp! Time for a recap!

In order of death: Elly, Samuel Jones, Vaughn, Melbourne, Arafel, Esme and...

-Second Life is where some characters are selected and given a second chance after they died (whether they morally redeemed themselves at death, were pure of heart, or their lives ended too soon; the characters themselves do not know this, but whoever brought them to this place does).
-Vaughn and Samuel Jones don't quite get along, they fight almost constantly which is a stress on Elly (she's kind of like the unofficial head honcho).
-Arafel came into the Second Life as the very first non-human and, being a bit of an annoyance to some, questioned everyone about how they died (this was met with mixed results).
-Elly showed some signs of social withdrawl, but with a few words from Vaughn she reminded herself that he's a jerk and she can do what she want without being labelled.
-Eventually peace came around, but then another person showed up- one who didn't mind being dead! She's caught Vaughn's eye, but she might not return his feelings. This gives Samuel Jones hope that Vaughn will back off of Elly to persue Esme, leaving Samuel Jones a chance with Elly.
-Melbourne is feeling a bit anxious around Arafel now, as she's being creepily demonstrative and invading his personal space. It's revealed that he is cutting himself, but was it a habit that started here in Second Life or something drawn over from when he was alive?


When you begin to become familiar to a place, to learn of its twists and downs and curves and ups, that's when the unexpected strikes.  )

My feelings are : contemplative
Music <3: FictionJunction - Toki no Mukou, Maboroshi no Sora
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