Your Out of Character's Journal
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Friday, January 16th, 2009

    Time Event
    Checking in to check on ongoing threads and request a few new ones...

    Currently, I think I have in progress...
    Jack/Darcy -- I think they can start towards winding down?
    Jack/Nikki -- Calico, I haven't heard from you in a bit. Did you get my PM about Kale, too?
    TJ/Liz -- I'll respond when I get home.
    Kale/Alfie -- in progress
    Jack/Luca -- do we want to keep going on this one or is it a good ending point?

    Jack/Gatsby -- either on the journals, or meeting up to get to know each other more and discuss the dateshow
    Kale/? -- did we want to do something with either Penny or Luca? I'd love to see someone able to get under Kale's skin and that armor she wears
    TJ/Nikki -- he wouldn't mind some roommate conversation as followup to his not-date-turned-date with Liz (we can find a reason why it didn't take place until later)

    And does anyone else want any of my three kids? I have a three day weekend! And while I will be AFK most of Saturday afternoon, I think I'm around mostly on Sunday and Monday. Whee!!! I shall have to be all domestic and cook and clean, so I may not be at my computer constantly, but feel free to ping me if you want and I'll respond when I'm back.

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