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Wednesday, December 31st, 2008

    Time Event
    about the party
    I totally meant to post this stuff earlier, but work had a party and got out early and ohhhhh been busy since then.

    Anyway. Happy New Year in the real world. And TJ is having his party.

    I am going to post an open thread shortly. That thread is for everyone attending the party, so if folks don't have to post separate threads. Just respond with a new response thread to the main thread for every new conversation. I'll list the folks who are there on the main part of the thread once people tag in. For myself, TJ is obviously hosting, and Jack's there IF he can convince Luca to go with him.

    For reference sake: TJ's flat is a top floor flat. Essentially, it's like a penthouse, and it's old money, and it's big. He's given his maid and butler the night off, so there are no adults hanging about. The bar is well stocked, so feel free to improvise with what's available. There's plenty of food of the munchie variety, either hot or cold, and there's breakfast for those who are staying. Crash space is available, but TJ's room is the one room that's off-limits. And yes, TJ is relatively spoiled. There's a theater room. There's a dance studio. Big kitchen, big living room. A few bedrooms.

    So, I'll get that posted, and I figure folks aren't around tonight (everyone's gone to sleep on me!!!) but feel free to jump in at any time.

    OH! And for reference sake, maybe folks who are attending could post here so if other folks want to hunt them for conversation, drinking partners, whatever partners, it'll be easier to coordinate?

    Jack's drinking, but not to excess. TJ... is going to be a bit drunk. And on the roof at midnight to see the ball drop.

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