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Sunday, December 28th, 2008

    Time Event
    Hey hey guys AGAIN.

    This is Amber once more introducing a third (and probably final? maybe?) character, a senior art major whose given name is Gatsby. Yeah. Not a nickname. Gatsby is really the name his parents gave him. And ohhh yeah he loves it! :D

    Anyway, Gatsby's from Ann Arbor, Michigan (hits close to my own home, pun intended), and is a yearly alumnus of the prestigious Interlochen Arts Camp, also in the Mitten State. He's much more interested in digital and graphic art than studying the classics, and is also an especially huge fan of pop art. And cute boys. And he REALLY doesn't care if you have a problem with that so BACK UP. :]

    So yeah. He's very very friendly and he's also an eternal optimist, so I'm sure he'll be friendly with nearly every single player in this game. But he'll need close friends. Any takers? He also develops infatuations and little crushes on his fellow male students easily, but he knows his boundaries, but if there's anyone wary of him? That's cool, too.

    But don't think he'll take heed of anyone's dislike. :D
    My second!
    Hello, all! Deb (aka, Jackson) here with my second character. Meet TJ Craig (please do NOT call him Theodore, Theo, or any other permutation... he's TJ thankyouverymuch). He's a senior, and a dance major (and yes, he's straight).

    He's most often smiling, and he knows how to laugh at himself. He's a NYC boy, with an apartment in Manhattan that's his, all his, since he's an emancipated minor who lives on a trust fund left to him by his grandmother. He's also a bit of a lonely little rich boy sometimes, and he enjoys spoiling close friends rotten. I would love to setup friendships/past relationships, etc.! TJ is looking for The Girl in his life, among other things.

    And he's going to be announcing a New Year's Eve party shortly, with plenty of crash space for anyone who wants to be there. A flat with roof access in Manhattan and the only adults around are essentially the butler and the maid...
    Hey everyone, newbie here. Or, well, Megan. I'm bringing in my boy Kieran O'Riley, a senior drama major.

    He originally comes from Boston, MA, although his father currently lives in Flushing, NY. He's bisexual, smokes and occasionally drinks, and is fairly obsessed with blues and punk music, although he can't play an instrument to save his life. He can sing, though, so he could potentially be in musicals, but at the moment he's not especially interested.

    He's friendly and good with people, loves being social and making friends, but can be stubborn and will hold a grudge. He's something of a recovering Catholic, and still has some residual guilt over not really following the religious lessons of his mother, who died when he was eleven due to cancer.

    So, anyone who would be up for some form of a relationship (friends, someone he has a grudge against, etc. etc.), that would be pretty great. I'm looking forward to this, for sure.

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