Your Out of Character's Journal
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Tuesday, December 23rd, 2008

    Time Event
    Hey guys,

    I know the game is slow right now, but HANG IN THERE!

    Today is my last day of work until next monday, so when I get home, I'm going to be doing some MASSIVE promotions. This game will be pimped out like no other, and hopefully, we'll get some new blood. Along the same lines, tell your friends about this game! By the end of the week, two of my RP buds have told me that they'll be applying, so try to bring your friends in, too! I'll be making some posts, throwing my kids into all of yours, and you guys should all do the same!

    This game has some really great potential, and I'd love to see it thrive, so we need to start building it up. Be ready for some awesome plots and new characters and players coming very shortly!


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