Youka Nitta
Drabble: Hazard Cast 
17th-Aug-2008 06:08 pm
Title: Hazard Cast
Prompt: #3, the A/V life
Characters: Miyasaka and Katou
Rating: PG
Warnings: reference to past attempted rape
Summary: Sequel to "Encore" - triggered by bunny-bombing from [info]snapelike in comments.

Miyasaka screamed, "This will ruin me, Katou!"

Katou retorted, "It will prove you aren't just pretty. You aren't getting any younger." Katou smiled to himself, remembering what Kaneko had repeated to him.

"Katou," Miyasaka pleaded. "I know it isn't shameful, taking it. But I can't play an AV actor getting raped--"

"You owe it to Iwaki-san," Katou hissed. "Not because of what you tried, but because this film was written for him. It's the best script Mochimune's ever created: you will do everything they demand."

"I'm gonna get eaten alive!" Miysaka whimpered.

Katou showed his teeth. "That's my bonus."
20th-Aug-2008 10:31 pm

*is currently trying to breath, laugh and cough*

I think that the creation of something artistic is what keeps Mochimune on the right side of psycho. So... yeah. But his dedication to his work is flawless, and if that somehow can be transferred to a lover (also, it will make sense he chooses an actor) it will make a grand, albeit distorted, love story.
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