Youka Nitta
Drabble: Encore 
15th-Aug-2008 09:55 am
Title: Encore
Prompt: #3, The AV life (life of an Adult Video actor)
Pairing: Katou/Iwaki
Rating: PG
Summary: Iwaki's past won't stay put...

Katou is waiting at the door of Iwaki’s car, arms folded. “Shimizu-san called me. I’m driving.”

Iwaki flings the key at Katou with a wordless snarl. Twenty minutes later, Katou parks the car off a road outside of Tokyo. Looking directly at Iwaki, he says, “Mochimune-san’s offered me the role of Katashi.”

Iwaki smashes his fist against the dashboard and shouts, “Don’t you want to leave that world behind?”

Katou’s gaze is steady. “It’s an incredible role. So’s the one he wrote for you.”

Iwaki weeps with rage, but Katou’s right. And this time Katou’s arms will be around him.
17th-Aug-2008 03:58 pm
I think that is what I like about both Iwaki and his brother: that they are so controlled, yet so vulnerable when it comes to pride and love. I love how Katou understands them both so well, and yet he who is always so immature and carefree, never says this, just supports them as best he can. *adores Katou*

As for Mochimune, he's too late. My Onozuka has already been given to WMLM Iwaki. Iwaki is much more than Onozuka can handle, without any doubt. I'd love to see all Onozuka's clever scheming fall apart because Iwaki sees through his amateurish attempts right away. Iwaki is just that much better at it, and entirely without restraints when it comes to getting what he wants. WMLM-Iwaki is just... Lucius in Japanese, and with better looks. He's just as ruthless, and loves as deeply. *licks*

I think we're talking OTP here, but I need to write them before I know for sure. Miyasaka, otoh... Oh, Mochimune would eat him up and enjoy every moment of it. I think I'd like that one, actually... to let Miyasaka be eaten and chewed and almost devoured, maybe ending up finding some kind of slightly bent love with the perv- er- I mean... director.

*runs around trying not to feed the plotbunnies, to no avail* *falls and is attacked by killer bunnies*
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