Youka Nitta
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28th-Nov-2013 10:43 pm - FIC: Thanksgiving

I wrote a Thanksgiving Day fic for Iwaki and Katou! (And yes, I know it's not a Japanese holiday, but trust me, it makes sense in the story. ^_^)

Title: Thanksgiving
Author: geri_chan
Rating: PG
Fandom: Haru wo Daiteita (Embracing Love)
Pairing: Iwaki/Katou, Kikuchi/Onozuka
Characters: Iwaki, Katou, Kikuchi, Onozuka, Miyasaka, Yoshizumi
Word count: ~1,380
Summary: Katou decides to surprise Iwaki with a Thanksgiving dinner, and Iwaki wonders why Katou is celebrating an American holiday...
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