Youka Nitta
13th-Oct-2010 07:26 pm
Fellow Nitta-fans!

I've nominated Haru and When a Man Loves a Man over at LJ's Yuletide, so if you plan to nominate, they are there. Boku should be there as well. (And do me a favour not to change the "o" to "wo" - "wo" is not the correct "spelling" of を in Hepburn.)

Also, should anyone get the idea that Ezra Pound fics would be grand, I sorta accidentally nominated RPF - Modernist Writers
14th-Oct-2010 07:47 am
Oh I was just looking at this and came to mention it. Ha!

Haru is listed under "Embracing Love (aka Haru...)". Should I be choosing that or also nominating just as Harudaki? Maybe you should tell me what you typed in. *is confused as it is!*

love, lore
14th-Oct-2010 11:35 pm
I think they actually changed it yesteryear, from Haru to Embracing Love. Better leave it as is; I think the various tagging systems @ AO3 might sort it out according to one of the mod posts.
14th-Oct-2010 10:06 am
If a fandom is already on the nominated list, do I still need to nominate it--are the chances of it making the final cut better if it has multiple nominations?

I'm still waffling a bit over whether to sign up this year or not--I'm not good with deadlines, and I'm not sure I'd feel comfortable writing anything other than Haru/YN or Petshop of Horrors (since HP is obviously not a rare or obscure fandom--I don't know if Petshop really counts as "rare" either, but it's on the list). There's lots of other fandoms on the list that I like, but I'm not sure that I know the characters well enough to write a fic that's going to be a gift for someone else. But 3 YN fandoms would probably have me covered, although Boku and WMLM would definitely be a bit of a challenge since I don't feel that I "get" those guys as well I do the Haru boys, except for my dear Kenzaki. *hugs him*
14th-Oct-2010 11:39 pm
You could. But there will be voting, as far as I know/remember from last year. But... if you sign up you could just choose Boku, WMLM and Haru - it'd be rather certain that you'd write for one of us, and in that case... as for me, you'd have free hands to do what you'd like. There is always the nice glasses guy in Boku... he'd probably benefit from being paired up with someone from one of the other manga... :D
15th-Oct-2010 04:52 am
I probably overstress about these things too much--I've participated in a few fests in the past and they went pretty well. The main problem is every time I think, "Oh, I can just write a short little fic" and instead it turns into a major epic! ^_^ *shakes fist at darned plot bunnies*

So I think I'll go ahead and take the plunge! As you said, chances are pretty good it'll be one of you guys, and I have been mulling over some Boku fic ideas. And ooh, I hadn't thought of the crossover shipping potential for Tanahashi! Will have to think about the possibilities...
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