Youka Nitta
Last chapter of Haru o Daiteita to be published! 
26th-Jun-2009 11:39 pm
Over at YN@LJ, a poster links to Nitta-sensei's post here.

Nitta-sensei announces the upcoming publishing of the last chapter of Haru (in BBoy Gold - which probably means #8, the tankoubon #14 will be out in the fall 2009 although the date is not set yet) and apologises for her wrongdoings, the long wait and thanks the readers for their support and mails during her hard time. I am not sure whether this means that Nitta-sensei is back - as I read it, it seems as if she is allowed back only for this to finish Haru. There is some talk about all her manga being pulled, and of the delay of the next BLCD in the series. Maybe Geri can shed some light over my wonky translation?

ETA: I've gone over the info that seemed most important again and got it to something like "Essentially, at this point in time the intention is to end Haru o Daiteita drawing the last part (in exchange) for the long support recived from the reader-sama (who are able to) distinguishing between right and wrong. The full/ended work will come with apology and gratitude."

Sounds like this is the end, both of Haru and of Nitta's work.

OMG! I so don't want Haru to end!!! *wails*
26th-Jun-2009 06:06 pm

At least Haru will be finished; even though I don't want it to finish, it would be awful if it weren't completed.
26th-Jun-2009 06:39 pm
The really bad thing is that if it is not the ending Nitta-sensei had planned... I am not sure if I wouldn't rather keep it as it is, with an open ending... Urgh, the Deathly Hallows scars...

26th-Jun-2009 07:31 pm
I am not sure if I wouldn't rather keep it as it is, with an open ending...

Yeah. This.

26th-Jun-2009 07:53 pm
The scars, the scars... and if Nitta-sensei is just writing because she's been permitted to write that one chapter... when will we hear Iwaki call Katou "Youji", I ask!
26th-Jun-2009 09:39 pm
You know, I was thinking in the back of my head, "I really want to read more Haru, but I hope the ending doesn't totally contradict where I'm going in my fic universe," which is kind of silly, because it's already AU, since Onozuka and Kikuchi aren't getting it on in canon.

(That we know of, anyway. They could be sneaking around "offscreen" behind Iwaki and Katou and Miyasaka's backs, I suppose...)

But I don't expect that it will be as bad Deathly Hallows. For one thing, Nitta-sensei is a better writer, and I don't think she's going to kill off our boys or have one of them suddenly go straight and marry a pink-haired girl. ^_^ I think we'll probably see something confirming their love and commitment to each would be really nice to see them finally call each other by name, as you suggested. And you know that I would totally love that, since I've playing around with the concept of names and intimacy in my K/O series!
28th-Jun-2009 12:21 pm
The one good thing is that nothing is going to happen to our favourites, since Nitta-sensei probably isn't interested in making new couples, just focussing on I/K in the last chapter. Nitta-sensei is a much better writer, JK stinks, compared to her. So in that regard, I trust her.

I do hope, though that she wraps up what happened to characters such as Urushizaki, Asano and Yoshizumi, and of course with Masahiko and the family, I hope we get a little more info on them.
26th-Jun-2009 06:28 pm
Unfortunately, I'm pretty bad at reading kanji without any furigana, so I'd have to sit down with a dictionary to actually translate the post. Maybe later I'll take some time and go over it. From what you said and what was said at LJ, it sounds like she's just finishing up the series. Which really sucks, because I don't want Haru to end, but on the other hand, at least she'll be able to wrap up the series rather than just leave it hanging. (Although the last chapter did end at a decent stopping point.)

That said, I still want to cry, "Haru ending? Noooooo!!!"
26th-Jun-2009 06:38 pm
I went over the passage I found to be most significant to see if I could clarify a bit.

"Essentially, at this point in time the intention is to end Haru o Daiteita drawing the last part (in exchange) for the long support recived from the reader-sama (who are able to) distinguishing between right and wrong. The full/ended work will come with apology and gratitude."

I don't think there will be more. I hope I am wrong and that I've misunderstood, but...
27th-Jun-2009 06:39 am


Oh god, what about her other work? I became addicted to her voice acting series and the cop drama.

*swears up and down in very harsh tones*

I'm going to go read some ficy porn!!!
27th-Jun-2009 04:29 pm
Good question... I don't think it is going to happen soon, if ever. But maybe, hopefully there is a tiny chance that this means the publishers have decided that Nitta-sensei has been on ice long enough. I just don't dare hope, especially not with the vague message from her.
27th-Jun-2009 07:51 pm

Wasn't she only guilty of tracing outfits? Isn't that it?
28th-Jun-2009 02:37 am
Yeah, it wasn't a big deal, but unfortunately the Japanese didn't view it that way. Most of the involved ad-companies, though, didn't care at all. Still, she seems to, in Japanese eyes, to have disgraced herself and the publishing company, the readers, the Japanese people and her cat. Or something. ;0)
29th-Jun-2009 06:34 am
She should come over stateside...I'm sure we have a few yaoi comps that would absolutely love to steal her talent. Can you imagine the press and the rabid fans buying her work? It would be the first time that an English printing of yaoi would get licensed in the Japanese for scanlations!

Except I'm not sure she will be able to get away doing doujinshi...but it looks like she's not doing anything at all...

29th-Jun-2009 06:56 am
She should. But I think the main obstacle is that she probably thinks she has done something very bad, and has hence lost face, and is shamed. It is not done with just a deepfelt apology - it has happened to other mangaka before, or something similar, and usually it has taken a couple of years before they could return - those of them who did.

But I am all for Nitta-sensei moving to US.
29th-Jun-2009 07:32 am
You think we should bombard the US yaoi comps and beg them to pick up Nitta-sensei?

Can you imagine how big the US market will explode if we pick a genuine yaoi mangaka to do En publishing first? Especially, Nitta? We could save the industry.

Start a really big movement in the GloBLal manga and bring OEL to forefront.

We just need to figure out what to do with the time lag. Do we try the magazine route again? Online? Or manga volume exclusively?
29th-Jun-2009 07:40 am
Hehehe... I am sure June is standing in line to pick up the US Nitta licenses that were freed when BeBeautiful went down the drain...

One thing that could be done was to see if one of the manga cons could be as lucky as to lure Nitta-sensei to visit, it might encourage her - if her publishers would let her.
29th-Jun-2009 07:46 am
Wasn't there rumors that they were in trouble because of 'they don't how far back it goes'? And that 801 still hasn't picked up the second volume of Secret Diplomacy?

If I was her PR/agent I would. They know they have a market here. Japan may snub her but we would welcome her. Our laws I think would have let it pass, especially, since the Company in question didn't mind it. In fact we could market it in a way. Get advertisers for the company if she would incorporate some of the dress designs.

In a shrinking market in the magazine industry...this can boost sales for everyone involved.

Do we know if she frequents the LJ com like how Yamane Sensei does? Can get messages sent out that can reach her ears?
29th-Jun-2009 07:54 am
Unfortunately Nitta-sensei know only a little English, which is also why I think it is unlikely that we'll get her out of Japan except for a visit... She doesn't read the LJ comm, or anything else Western fan related, as far as I know.

I am not sure how far she had worked on PM2, or Boku - I think she was caught up in Otodama when the shit hit the fan. The problem is mainly that there are copyright issues when it comes to reprinting earlier volumes - which means that Nitta-sensei has to redo them all if they are to be sold anywhere. It is more than one company and I know many of them couldn't care less, but if only a few actually do, then... *sighs*

Again the problem strands in Japan because both agents, publishers and mangaka see this as something she has to atone for. But carpet-bombing the publisher with letters that we want to see Nitta-sensei in US/elsewhere might actually help... Now I probably have to arrange a BL con in UK, just to make it happen... :D
29th-Jun-2009 08:01 am
Yamane-sensei knows little english as well, we have Japanese fans on there who are translators for her and funnel messages back and forth.

On mangaupdates it lists the other works as to still be continued but that Otodama was canceled.

The copyright issues, are you talking about licenses or the artwork? Companies are companies and if they think they can make millions I think they will license them.

I was also thinking of having Nitta sensei do 'original' new work exclusively for the US/UK (if we can bring here) that can then get licensed out to the world. Thus a first OEL (technically) that is a global hit.

I say we carpet bomb them.

They will be idiots to let millions of dollars go down the tube because of a little mishap like this. Besides, it has been a year already.
29th-Jun-2009 08:15 am
The copyright issues are because of the images Nitta-sensei used for tracing. I'd be very careful if I was a US publisher...

I agree that GloBL manga would get a boost, but still... If Nitta-sensei thinks her punishment needs to be longer, it might be hard to convince her to even continue drawing.
29th-Jun-2009 08:18 am
I thought it was just the closes and poses. Not the characters themselves.

That's workable. Especially since the mag didn't mind. All we need is to talk with the mag editor and work with have advertising for the mag within the mangas. That way we work out an agreement that helps both sides.
29th-Jun-2009 08:18 am

Damnit why can't I edit a comment?!
29th-Jun-2009 08:40 am
I think that is what the publisher has been doing this year; I think it was around 130 pics from various sources. If it was just one or two... much easier.
29th-Jun-2009 08:48 am
Where did you hear the 130 from?

I hope she's really back... I still think we should recruit her. Authors of other mediums have found our shores sanctuaries before.
29th-Jun-2009 08:56 am
Because I saw all the pics and the ads they were supposed to be traced from, and I think there were around 130-150. A "helpful" person who thought the public should know put it all on the interwebs, just to be certain Nitta-sensei's career and reputation were irreversibly ruined. *rages*
29th-Jun-2009 09:02 am
Dear god.

...okay can we say that they were omages(sp)?

Perhaps we should campaign to get her back.

I don't see how come she lost her career when that one bitch who plagerized that wild rock mangaka got off scot free and got to keep her manga series but the original mangaka lost hers. That was more blantant a stealing then this and EVERYONE knows she did it.

It's gotta be because of the BL content. It has to be.

This is discrimination(sp).
29th-Jun-2009 09:10 am
I think sending letters to the publishers continuously actually makes an impression. One of our first posts here is the addresses to the various companies, so on with the writing! I usually send a letter when I remember to, and a few crazy gifts for Nitta-sensei too. :D

And I think the BL thing might be a smaller factor - mostly because it is not something one talks about in Jp, reading BL manga = social suicide.
29th-Jun-2009 09:12 am
You know...the Japanese allow gays in their armies...

And yet in other ways they discrimiante...such a complex country.

So should we bombard just the Japanese publishers or add the english ones as well?
29th-Jun-2009 09:37 am
Sounds good to me. :) I'll send them some postcards from London. :D
29th-Jun-2009 06:19 pm
Postcards...hmm small, able to covey our messages in pretty terms.

I wonder how many we can get on our postcard crusade?
23rd-Oct-2009 06:00 am
OMG!!!! I WAS INFURIATED WITH THAT INCIDENT WHEN IT HAPPENED TOO!!!!! But that particular knock-off of Wild Rock was done by a mangaka whose parents had strong authority in the field (for whatever cause I have no clue). But I definitely agree that Nitta sensei has been treated disporportionally harsh...
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