Youka Nitta
Ficlet: Safe House (Carlo/Magira, Snape/Lupin; PG) 
1st-Jun-2009 12:30 pm
More fandom anniversary celebration fic:

Title: Safe House
Pairing: Carlo/Magira, Snape/Lupin
Manga: Haru o Daiteita cross-over with Harry Potter
Word count: 900
Rating: PG
Notes: For [info]elfflame. Well, Britain is a part of Europe, right? ;0)
Prompt: "The boys go for a trip to Europe, and meet a pair of Brits who are recuperating there after the war that almost tore their world apart."

Safe House

The Devon coastline sneered and showed its teeth; white-topped waves crushing against the cliffs as if they were trying to take a bite of the land. Despite the cold November, the hills above the sea were still green, luring the innocent spectator into believing that the weather was tolerable. But he wind howled and pulled at the car, surprising Carlo. The rented Rover wobbled down the road like a weak, wet bug.

'Carlo... Can't we find somewhere to stay? I don't like this.' Magira had given up his discontent and seemed truly scared of the storm. 'But I wouldn't mind lying in a warm bed with you and listen to the howling wind.' He looked at Carlo with wide-eyed innocence; maybe it was a way to cover his anxiety. Carlo was to busy keeping the car on the road to care. 'Carlo? Please?'

Magira had a point. Despite being used to the, at times, overwhelmingly violent Japanese weather, this storm was a bit much. Carlo pulled the car over. It was almost impossible to look out of the windows; the rain was pouring, leaving nothing to be desired if one had wanted to go see Niagara Falls. Carlo put a calming hand on Magira's knee. 'I think I saw a sign a little down the road,' he said. 'There should be a village not far ahead.' Carlo raised his hand and stroked Magira's cheek. He smiled softly. 'I wouldn't mind being in bed with you either, you spoiled brat.'

'You only think of one thing,' Magira moped, not seriously offended. He pulled Carlo closer with an arm around his neck. 'You better get us there in a hurry, then.' Magira left a soft kiss on Carlo's lips.

They drove a few miles in silence. The rain against the car's roof was loud enough to make it difficult to hear anything but the sound of the flood-like downpour. The dark silhouettes of a few houses emerged from the greyness. Carlo drove carefully up the short main street, looking for something, somewhere they might be able to find accommodation.

'There! Over there!' Magira sounded relieved. 'The Wolf and the Doe!' Magira pointed at a sagging old stone building with a thatched roof. There was a wooden sign outside with a battered painting of said animals. A standard English village inn. The sign swung violently in the wind, creaking loudly enough for them to hear the sound.

'Do you think it's open?' Magira asked, and stared out the window at the inn. 'I really don't want to stay in the car. It is dangerous.' Magira looked worriedly at the small river of rain water that ran down the street.

Carlo reached for his coat. 'Let's go find out.'

They stood, dripping, on the worn rug as a the inn keeper came to greet them. He smiled, a flashy, sharp smile that contradicted his tired face and greying hair. 'Welcome,' he nodded, widening the smile. 'Visitors this time of year are rare,' he said, as if to apologise for the inn's state of disrepair and lack of sufficient lighting. 'But please, come in. Would you like a room, or just lunch?'

Someone was saying something in another room. It sounded like "ask them to bugger off, Lupin", but Carlo was certain that nobody would dare be that rude to their guests.

The inn-keeper shook his head and sent Carlo an apologising smile. 'Our chef. He's a bit on the sensitive side.'

'I am not sensitive!' someone sneered from the other room. 'I'm bloody accommodating!'

'Of course you are, Severus!' The inn-keeper laughed, as if the other man was not one to take seriously. 'Would you please go make some lunch for our guests?'

There was no reply, just the scrambling of a chair, as if the chef had decided to obey.

The lunch was perfect, and they withdrew to their room after the lush meal. The rain continued, and so did the storm. Carlo appreciated Magira's insistence that they should find a place to stay. The room they'd got was very neat and cosy, despite the slightly ragged exterior. The heavy old furniture and the bed with its dark curtains seemed to invite the couple to snuggle up in bed, listening to the rain and the crackling of the fire place's roaring fire. They were dry, full, and content. They'd made love twice, enjoying their stay more than they should have, since they were both used to the excessive luxury of Carlo's houses and hotels.

Later, they rang for dinner, having decided that they wanted to eat in their room. The phone was picked up by the inn-keeper. 'Dinner?' a hoarse voice growled. 'I'll see to that.'

Carlo put down the lure, slightly surprised. He had the feeling he hadn't been talking to a man. Strange. He pushed the thought away, tightening his robe. Magira hadn't even cared to get out of bed. Carlo stepped over to the window and opened the curtains. The rain was still pouring, there wasn't a star in sight, and the full moon only cast a weak, dim silver circle upon the storm-filled sky.

Carlo let the curtain fall and sat down on the bedside to kiss his young lover. He sighed contentedly. They've escaped the storm's dangers. They were safe, and a nice dinner awaited them.

- 0 -

And an additional drabble, just because [info]elfflame was sure Magira would be whiny if he was bitten...

Carlo stood. He was seriously considering that keeping a pet was not something he should have taken upon himself. On the other hand, he had no choice.

He put down his paper and the cup of tea he had been sipping, and sent Magira a strict glare. He took the paper and rolled it into a tight tube. Then he swatted Magira with it, once, hard.

Magira whined and covered his eyes with his paws.

'Next time,' Carlo snapped, 'you are peeing outside!'

Magira let out a bark and wagged his tail, as if to tell Carlo that he'd do so. Carlo didn't have much confidence. Magira always forgot that he was supposed to be housebroken when it was raining. Thank God full moon was only once a month. Werewolves really wasn't that easy to train.

1st-Jun-2009 11:15 am
Loved the first section! Loved the rain, the inn, Snape's impossible rudeness, and Lupin's sharp-smiled friendly greeting (My, what big teeth you have.)

Choked at the second one. Need a "Do not read while consuming hot liquids" warning with that one! Too funny. And cute.
2nd-Jun-2009 01:08 am
*snuggles* Very much "how big teeth". Hopefully, they weren't eaten. ;0)

Wolfy!Magira... It is just more than one man can bear. *grins*
1st-Jun-2009 10:59 pm
Hahaha, I loved this! Especially this line: It sounded like "ask them to bugger off, Lupin", but Carlo was certain that nobody would dare be that rude to their guests. That's because he's never met Snape before! ^_^ Actually, I've heard Snape compared to Gordon Ramsay a few times on Snapedom, so the grumpy chef thing fits well! It also made think of your "Mills of Manchester" fic.

Also, loved the werewolf-Magira drabble--the image of Carlo swatting Magira with a rolled-up newspaper is just hysterical! You know, it never occurred to me before that werewolves wouldn't be able to use a toilet during the full moon or that they'd need to be housebroken! I suppose wizards can use a spell to take care of the problem, but poor Carlo is stuck with an unhousebroken werewolf!
2nd-Jun-2009 01:07 am
Heheh. Thanks. I had fun mixing those couples up because they are just *so* different.

And I can't possibly think of a worse destiny than to be saddled with Whiny!Wolfy!Magira on a full moon. Poor Carlo, indeed.
8th-Jun-2009 04:31 pm
Read and adored!! Huzzah for Magira's brattiness!!

love, lore
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