Youka Nitta
Ficlet: Autumn Fire (Mochimune/Miyasaka; PG)  
28th-May-2009 09:02 am
Title: Autumn Fire
Pairing: Mochimune/Miyasaka
Word count: 450
Rating: PG
Notes: For [info]geri_chan
Prompt: "Mochimune/Miyasaka! Miyasaka auditioning for Mochimune's film, or maybe Mochi working with Miyasaka in private to help him get a scene right."

Autumn Fire

Lost in the memory of Iwaki-kun's perfect performance, Mochimune is unable to keep his concentration. He sighs quietly. How is he supposed to be able to make films when all he can get is a bunch of horrid, talentless poseurs who can do nothing but look flashy? The actor who is auditioning -a beautiful dark-haired boy - is hopeless! Mochimune takes a sip of the tea someone brought him half an hour ago. Cold. Mochimune does not like cold. He likes hot: hot, intense, burning, no matter if it is something as simple as a cup of tea, or something important, like finding the actor who is supposed to play the disturbed murderer in his next production.

And all Mochimune gets is lukewarm. Cold. Indifferent.

"Thank you," he says, as politely as he is able to, which is not much. He knows that his assistant will berate him later if he doesn't try, not that he cares to. 'Please, let us look at the last one,' he says, trying to convey his annoyance without words. Mochimune wants to sneer that he has wasted a day. He wants Iwaki-kun. He wants-

Mochimune's head snaps up, a sudden interest flares in the way he regards the actor who has just stepped into the room.

'Miyasaka Keigo.' The young man bows slightly, a measured bow, precisely enough not to be offending, far from enough to be polite.

The slight curl of Mochimune's lips reveals an interest that would have surprised those who know him. He does not reply, just lets his eyes slide over the man, taking in the autumn red hair, the determination in his eyes. Behind the measured movements there seems to be a hidden depth. This is it, what Mochimune has been looking for - if only the boy is able to act. Mochimune smiles his knife-sharp smile.

'Could you kill for love?' he asks softly, locking eyes with the actor. Mochimune knows that he could, and he wants his main actor to exude a similar feeling. Mochimune wants someone who knows passion, desire and hate. Intimately.

For a moment, Miyasaka-kun looks startled. Then he takes a deep breath and returns the gaze, a slight smile on his pretty mouth. 'Would you like to find out, Mochimune-sama?' he asks, and his eyes are on fire.

That instant, Mochimune forgets all about Iwaki-kun. His smile widens. 'It would be my pleasure, Miyasaka-kun. And yours.'

30th-May-2009 05:51 pm
Haha, actually I did see that prompt on your journal! At first I kind of went, "Eek!" Aside from the fisting, I usually don't go for threesomes or foursomes because I usually subscribe to the "one true love" style of fanfic. But the more I thought about it, the more I thought, "Wow, that sounds kind of hot!" I probably couldn't write it myself, but I look forward to seeing what you come up with.

I didn't used to care much for voyeurism, either, so I think that the Haru fandom has totally corrupted me! ^_^ Not that there's anything wrong with that!
30th-May-2009 05:58 pm
Of course there is nothing wrong with that - the more corruption, the better!

I wasn't entirely fond of the prompt either, but as I've gone into OTP-ish mode regarding Mochi and Miyasaka, I really didn't feel like letting Miyasaka do Onozuka. Also it'd piss Kikuchi off, so...

Now my only problem is that fisting needs words to work: the usual fandom crap where the guy takes it the first time... that is so a no-go for me. Blergh. Maybe I should finish the Fest fic, actually, before I venture into the murky waters of anal play. No pun... :D
30th-May-2009 06:00 pm
And also: SQUEEEEEEEE! Perm account! Brilliant you! That was so thoughtful! *kisses and dances*
30th-May-2009 06:05 pm
Wow, that was fast--I just placed the order! I wanted to show my support for IJ and thank Squeaky for solving the comment rot, and I already have a perm account, so I thought I'd gift the comm. I know we still have some paid time left, so you could transfer it over to the RP asylum if you want. I think you just need to open a support ticket and request that it be transferred.

30th-May-2009 06:24 pm
"so you could transfer it over to the RP asylum if you want"

That was a great idea! Thank you so much, Geri, I really appreciate your consideration, both for Squeaky and the comm! ♥♥♥
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