Youka Nitta
White Brand now available! 
14th-Dec-2008 07:01 pm

I walked into my neighborhood comic book store today, and to my surprise and delight, on the new release shelf I found Nitta-sensei's "White Brand" collection, published by June, DMP's yaoi manga line. I'm so excited that at least some of Nitta-sensei's manga is still currently being published in the US. (For those of you not living in the US, maybe you might be able to find it through an online vendor?)

Part of me wants to sit down and devour it all at once, and part of wants to hold back and savor it slowly. I guess I ought to check the June release schedule and see if they're publishing any more of Nitta-sensei's stuff. Anyway, I'll try to post a short review when I'm done reading.

I'm still working on my Iwaki/Katou Christmas fic, which was going well until another Kikuchi plot-bunny interrupted me. I made a post on my journal about Caucasian actors being cast in Asian roles, including a news article I read about Keanu Reeves being cast in an American remake of the 47 Ronin, I kid you not. So anyway, that made me think, what if a similar incident was the straw that broke the camel's back and sent Kikuchi off to Japan to make his comeback? He comes home from an audition pissed off that Keanu (or whomever) got the role that should have been his, and then he gets a call from a movie studio in Japan offering him the role in Katou's movie. And then he and his American boyfriend fight about whether he ought to return to Japan for good or not. Since I want to work this into my little Kikuchi/Onozuka universe, obviously the boyfriend has to lose out to the Japanese comeback. I want to stave off the bunny until I get the Christmas fic done, but it keeps intruding in my brain when I'm trying to think about Iwaki and Katou and Christmas cake.

*smacks the plot bunny down*
15th-Dec-2008 01:45 am
I want to stave off the bunny until I get the Christmas fic done

15th-Dec-2008 02:22 am
Ah, I just saw your post about your own pesky bunnies--I really feel for you. (I think my problem is that Kikuchi is a diva and wants to hog all my writing time.)

And your icon is perfect for our dilemma! ^_^
16th-Dec-2008 09:06 am
Er, w00t? "Keanu Reeves being cast in an American remake of the 47 Ronin"

Yeah, that makes sense. Not. *shakes head*

The bunny, however, sounds good.
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