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Fourteen Shades Kudos! [24 Nov 2012|07:09pm]
[ mood | accomplished ]

I’ve RPed for nearly nine years now. Over a year ago, I gave up big public games of all types and didn’t think I’d return to the Harry Potter universe on more than a PSL basis. Six months ago [info]ragepelicans told me she was modding a game. Sorry, love, but my initial reaction on opening the message was “Heck, no.” It had nothing to do with the game or players, but personal things that happened back in the day. However, because I adore [info]ragepelicans and [info]pitterpat, I looked a bit more into the game. I noticed some friends I really missed, but the amount of strangers scared me. I left RP because I felt like I wasn’t good enough and the few times I tried new games, that self-doubt got in the way. However, something compelled me to try one more time.

I’m so glad I did. Frankly, I was petrified when I posted for Draco, but when complete strangers and even some characters not directly related to mine replied I knew Shades was something special. Within a few weeks, I added Albus and Ernie. I only recently added my last two, but I love their interactions just as much.

It is rare to be in a game where I feel like I can play with everyone. Thank you for not only making me and my characters feel welcomed, but for including me in the modding team! Happy six months, [info]fourteenshades! Here is to six more!

Fun stuff under here )

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