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Roleplay praise.

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[info]biography [09 Aug 2012|01:23am]
I wrote a much more personal goodbye in [info]smart , but it felt necessary to give some praise to those Amy interacted with for over 3 and half years at that ~biography. It was one long journey and as I close this chapter on Amy and permanently retire her, I just want to say thanks for the memories.

A big thank you to the following people. You guys made my time with Amy at ~biography amazing and always fun.

[info]affleck (seriously, he was her rock. you are wonderful), [info]bush,[info]busyjean, [info]britt, [info]colfercp (love, love him and will miss him),[info]erinjilland, [info]hdsn, [info]jasonmraz (always a fantastic friend), [info]kirsten (seriously? i adore your kiki to pieces, amy loved her to death), [info]keiracknightley, [info]labeouf (<3),[info]lmm, [info]liviawilde, [info]miw (no words, you know you're the best), [info]oloughlin, [info]rtg (coolest cat around. hands down), [info]rashida, [info]sc (thank you for playing an awesome scott), [info]watson (thank you for making me like emma. yours is wonderful) & [info]zodeschanel

And a little old school praise too: [info]alisonlarter (baby, i'm coming home), [info]ashleyfuller, [info]goodwinginn, [info]jessicas, [info]glausum, [info]roberthomas, [info]gpar, and [info]leod (jersey shore forever)
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