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Roleplay praise.

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Two years, [info]richardlovett, and you're still as amazing as ever! [08 Aug 2012|03:52pm]
I am a day late and a dollar short with this, so instead of repeating myself about how much I love and adore all of you, how much fun you've made this character to play and how much you've all contributed to the most amazing roleplay experience I've ever had, I'm going to say that there are no words to express how incredible all of you are, past and present. So, to [info]jdlewis, [info]eisenjess, [Bad username: levipughzach"], [info]andrewr, [info]noahadaml, [info]darnoc, [info]katebosworth, [info]elizadushku, [info]johnmyr, [info]avdcook, [info]roberthomas, [info]tswiftt, [info]akendrick, [info]atdennings, [Bad username: rthomasgosling"], [info]chrislowell, [info]gina, [info]pivensj, [info]jef, [info]caseyaffleck, [info]ginnygoodwin, [info]letwinn and anyone else that I may be so mistakenly forgetting. You are all so uniquely amazing in your own way, and I thank you all from the bottom of my heart for everything. Keep on keeping on!
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