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Roleplay praise.

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[14 Apr 2012|01:46pm]
Dear past and present members/mods of [info]agency and [info]click,

All things must come to an end and sadly, my time with this group of writers has ended. I picked up this character early last year after seeing [info]couten in [info]pbads asking for a line where they would elope. I thought the idea sounded really interesting and even though I have had little luck finding long-term lines in [info]pbads, I gave it a shot. Truth be told I wasn't entirely sure I'd live long as her. Writing her was going to be a challenge - taking on the persona of someone that is so unaffected by the negative things in this world and whose views are a stark contrast to my own made me think I was setting myself up for failure. However, I am happy to say that it was far from that. She has gone through various changes throughout it all (if I remember correctly, I think she began as a Haley Bennett PB with Glee credits) and has grown. With that said, the only people that I can thank are the members of these two games. They have helped make writing her a good experience that I will always treasure and appreciate. So, without further adieu, here comes the praise. I may have forgotten names but please know that each and every person who has taken the time to connect with her is appreciated.

praise for ~agency & ~click )
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