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Roleplay praise.

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[23 Jan 2012|04:36am]
To everyone that made CAA special while I was there, [info]youareamazing. Even if it was a brief time with a few of you, you left lasting impressions. Really, everyone I had the chance to interact with deserves a shout out, but unfortunately I can't do that or I'd be here all night. Just know that I appreciated every conversation, good or bad. However the relationship ended, my time there still sticks out as one of the best rp experiences of my life. Friend or foe, whatever. You were all great. You all helped me to feel at home, to push and to try and be better. If I missed anyone, I'm really sorry and I promise it's not intentional. I tried my hardest, but it has been a while.

Honestly, this is in absolutely no particular order at all: [info]johnfrusciante (you'll always have a special place in my heart and i hope you're well), [info]devinem (i really just always adored him from the first time they spoke), [info]matthewbellamy (i loved following you, even if it was mostly from afar), [info]chricci (toothless old people, fucking sigh, i miss you), [info]chriscorner (xoxo), [info]ecaz (they'll always have guyliner, you're still missed), [info]tnulb (you know i loved them so very much), [info]courtney (wish, wish, wish we could have had more time, lady), [info]stefanija (i miss you every day, you were so perfect and just what he needed, right when he needed it the most), [info]chrismrtin (love you forever and ever and ever, amen), [info]davidbowie (thank you for the challenge, and i really do mean that, you pushed me to be better), [info]villevalo (so many fond memories, so many good late night conversations), [info]tamsine (you were such a ray of sunshine), [info]avw (perfect and hilarious), [info]galtrow (i can't even start with you, i adore you endlessly), [info]brianmolko (fucking wonderful, always, seriously), [info]jef (what an odd and wonderful friendship), [info]watson (random as hell friendship struck up out of no where but i loved it), [info]jonradtke (so much fun, i wish they'd talked more one on one), [info]ryutaro (sweet, sweet, sweet and i miss you), [info]natakhan (wish they'd had more time, you were so perfect), [info]gina (i have always adored your girl), [info]hawlms (too much goodness came out of you), [info]mccracken (god he was hilarious), [info]roth (you were so fantastic while you were there, totally wonderful), [info]sandarapark (he really loved her even for as random as they were), [info]hparrish (loved watching you mostly from afar), [info]krewart (perfect and always so good to him), [info]spektor (sigh, you, i can't even start and i miss you), [info]joegordonlevit (i was heartbroken when you left but i'll always respect you for that decision), [info]pennimanjr (spot on, so wonderful), [info]noelfielding (he was just so cool to watch), [info]denims (eternal affection for you), [info]stashley (man do i miss their intense conversations) & [info]keiracknghtly (you were great fun to talk to).
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