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You are my definition of role-play [22 Jan 2012|10:30am]

This has been on the back burner for years. I have run into a group of different players that have affected the way I role play drastically. If I forget to name any of you, sorry, it wasn't intentional.

First of I would like to say [info]macvarish, you are amazing. You were the first place that I felt at home in long time. Since the day you closed down, playing at other communities have not been the same, yet half of the experience I had with you. The game was an overall great experience and place to pick up on things and meet some of the people I still talk to today. As a mod, you were the most fair of them all. You genuinely cared about each of us and it showed in the way you handled/dealt with us. Thank you for letting me be apart of the experience as a writer and even taking up some of my suggestions. I will always miss this place.

[info]kmonae & [info]melec There is so much to say about you. I give you more than half the credit for inspiring me to change my writing. You were the first person I I played with back in the GJ days. You were kind and even helped me understand how to play when I first tried it out. I thank you for the different and creative scenarios you have given me to write through our characters. Whether they were hurt, mad, in love, or just plain silly, we have played it all. It was intimidating to see how you wrote. This comes from thinking a paragraph is made of three to four sentences with little to no description. Your style of writing is so innovating that I actually decided to step up and give what you gave me. It has been a pleasure to know you. That's why I will always be thankful for you. You are as great of a person in character as you are out of character. You give great laughs, and even better character dramatizations. I can say that watching every single character of yours has been amazing. You are truly inspirational and thank you for giving me a chance and helping me become a better writer by inadvertently showing me one of many ways to write. Howard thanks you for Rhiana, Shon thanks you for Kianna and Aeron definitely thanks you for his Spanish guitar, [info]dulceria

Nas, Nas, Nas. You are one of my favorites of all times. It was a pleasure having a line with you. your characters are so deep that each journal entry was a treat each time they were read. I can say that over the years I was thankful to have the chance at writing against you. It was more than scary to see how you wrote when we first played together. Your paragraphs was full of description, thoughts, and makings of the character, yet it flowed in a cohesive manner. Instead of backing down, I thought hard and before you knew it, I was matching. You gave me a great foundation at playing against others. Thanks to you, I have great examples from Detective Sanders that I use today. Some of my prime writing happend while we were playing together. Each line was different, but great. You always gave a great story and it was a joy to write against you when I knew that I was about to experience something different each time. You portrayals are always on point and whether you know it or not, I still lurking through some of your old memories. Ant was/is a nut, but for great reasons. She is the best female I have seen portrayed.

[info]myracle Oh hey there. Thanks for everything you have done in character. we have played a great amount of characters over the years, but Shon and Myracle will always be my favorite pair. You are one hell of a writer. Upon writing with you, I was thinking that this was going to be yet another writer where giving a certain input wouldn't be the same. You surprised me. I can writing with you about almost anything, and it feels fun to do that. Whether our characters are cousins, lovers, exes with children, you know how to make the line exciting in its own way. And thanks for introducing me to celeb, even if that's still a work in progress :x. I didn't think rp could be fun once I got out there ,but you showed me quite different and your writing is a breath of fresh air. Thank you for these years together and here's to a couple more before we get too old 'socially to be messing with this thing o.O

Javi. We have too many lines we have played against each other. It's funny since I thought all of the tension different characters of ours had in character would have affected out of character concerns. that was far from true. You helped a great deal in helping me write females and was hard to do when I was stuck on playing men. Thank you for each and every line we had. They are/were creative and different. You are a gem and charm, Not only are you a beast when it comes to writing, but you are a gentleman, and a caring person outside of playing. It has been great knowing and writing against you for the simple fact your characters have different faces. You are another writer I have up there in my list of favorites. Not only your scenes, but your updates. They give me life and I enjoy reading them. Your characters are so much deeper than the silly or hard exterior some of them have and it shows well in your writing. You know how to play a line realistically and it's great not to always have one where they're married with children. The different spins, twists, turns and many more keeps me coming back with something different. I am grateful to know someone who is so darn creative. It inspires me when ever an update or thread is done. You give 100% and that alone is admirable enough. Please don't change. Seriously. Even with the new changes in my life, you understand and we continue to move at a pace that works for both of us. Thank you for the cooperation, support, and great laughs and night time sessions.

The writer that plays [info]haye. You my dear are one of the best. No really, you are a monster. Your plots are some of the best. You truly have shown me a different side of role play that is enjoyable. The things that come when two minds are put together is amazing. I love the dynamic between Dev and Lamb. It is amazing. that is my favorite line. You as a writer, are amazing. From the development to the executions, you are truly genius. It's amazing to play against you, because you give a new spin to things. Your lines are fresh, edgy, and your characters show that. You are a helluva writer that knows how to push a scene in a different direction without being too awkward. Thank you for the time we share, it is truly a reward to write against you any day.

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