Oct. 24th, 2015


I'm sad to have to tell you, although some of you will already know this from her CDJ, that Erin has taken an indefinite hiatus from the HP fandom. This means we are losing Eddie Carmichael, Kelleigh Bundy, and Melinda Bobbin. I'm going to be putting Eddie and Melinda back up for adoption, as Eddie is a canon character I'd like filled and Melinda has only just joined us. I'll put another Puff girl in Kelleigh's place so we can still refer to Kelleigh as an NPC, and if Erin does want to come back in the future, Kelleigh will still be available for her.

Sep. 12th, 2015


Please welcome Emily with Marietta!

Sep. 7th, 2015


Erin brings us Melinda Bobbin!

Aug. 15th, 2015


Please join me in welcoming Crystal with Beryl Dunstan!

Aug. 3rd, 2015


Okay, so I did an activity check and we are losing one player/character - Meredith with Marcus Belby. I'm going to start recruiting for the new school year but I want to get things in order first. I also think August is a fun month for memes, so I'll be posting some of those up :-)

If anyone has any new ideas for PB suggestions now that we're moving a year older, let me know and I'll get them added.

Also, if you want to have your character make the Quidditch team this year, let me know.

Feb. 23rd, 2015


I picked up a Slytherin boy, because we need Slytherin boys. Say hi to Cecil!

Jan. 13th, 2015


D brings us a new character! Say to Stevie Edwards.

Jan. 7th, 2015


Say hi to Jen who's bringing us Sienna Capper and Cho Chang!

Jan. 1st, 2015


Heeeeres Geoffrey Hooper!

Dec. 20th, 2014


New player and character! Please welcome Dana who will be bringing us Winifred Higgs.

Dec. 17th, 2014


So I did some activity checks, sent some emails, and we're losing the following characters: Andrew, Tori, Cho, Marietta, Jeremiah, Rhys, Isabella, Allegra (and players Kaylie, Lee, Cal, Jeanne, Katie, Julie, Lari). I'll put up some adverts later in the week and see if we can get anyone new in. How does everyone feel about the character limit? Do we still want to keep it at four or do we want to make some wiggle room?

Oct. 13th, 2014


We have a new character and a new player! Say hi to DCJ who is bringing Alexander William of Gryffindor!

Sep. 7th, 2014


And another one! Welcome Cal with Isabella Eekins.

Sep. 3rd, 2014


Aaaaand again. Sorry to keep giving you a friends button to run! At this point in the game, I want people to be able to start playing asap so they get in on the first few days of Hogwarts.

Sep. 2nd, 2014


Sep. 1st, 2014
