Xtreme End

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Xtreme End


July 4th, 2010

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Who: All Xavier's faculty, staff, resident, students, teams
When: July 4th 2010
Where: front lawn
What: Fourth of July Picnic

It was time to celebrate the freedom of the country and the equality it promoted--and that they were still working for. )

(open to all x-types)

May 23rd, 2010

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Who: Betsy & Kitty
When: Thursday, May 20th -- way backdated!
Where: Excalibur HQ: UK
What: Kitty goes to talk to Betsy and ask for some advice.

The word prom to Kitty was a kind of dirty word. )


May 17th, 2010

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To: Bobby
From: Kitty
Date: 5/17

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May 13th, 2010


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To: T-Bone
From: Morph
Subject: vacay
Date: 5/13

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To: [Xavier's alumni/adults on teams...tag your name as you respond]
From: Morph
Subject: crashing prom
Date: 5/13

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May 10th, 2010

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To: Kitty
From: Bobby
Date: 10th May, 2010

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April 27th, 2010

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Who: Kitty Pryde & Kevin Sydney
When: April 27th, 2010
Where: London: England
What: Kitty is on a "supply run" and runs into Kevin. Woo!
Rating: I can't see this going above G.

The question occupying her at the moment was what flavor of Cornetto did she want? )


February 23rd, 2010


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To: Kitty Pryde
From: Betsy Braddock
Subject: Mission
Date: 2/23/10

Email )

February 22nd, 2010

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Who: Kitty Pryde & Helen Janos
When: Monday, February 22nd, 2010
Where: London: England. A Fish n Chips shop
What: Kitty and Helen are both tracking the same mutant. They track said mutant to a fish and chips shop in London, and stirke up a random conversation with each other.

Kitty liked to think of this as doing reconnaissance, and not think of this as stalking. )


February 10th, 2010

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Who: The X-Kids (well the X-Kids of the early 2000’s so open to: Bobby, John, Jubilee, Kitty and Rogue. And anyone else who might have been around.)
When: October 27th, 2002
Where: Xavier’s Kitchen
What: Well to start with Halloween candy is gone in search of … than who knows! Chaos! Implosions! Explosions! All are possible.

And than there was times when she wanted junk food for the body -- and at those times Kitty hit up the kitchen. )

Bobby, John, Jubilee, Kitty, Rogue, and anyone else who might be around that I missed.

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To: “Tony Stark” [but in actuality it’s Pepper who will get it]
From: “Katherine Pryde”
Subject: Stock Increase
Date: January 26th, 2002

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Notes! )
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