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Below are 20 journal entries, after skipping by the 40 most recent ones recorded in XSwap: OOC's InsaneJournal:

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    Saturday, June 6th, 2015
    9:49 pm
    I am so sorry for my inactivity for the past few weeks.

    I am really going to try to step my shit up and get back on it, but PLEASE feel free to contact me through any means listed in the mod journal (or comment somewhere) if I'm not responding to something you want Scott or Raven to see.
    Friday, May 29th, 2015
    5:42 pm
    Hello! I'm Mina and I bring you Simon Hall power swapped with Sway's time manipulation abilities! He's played by the oh so pretty Nick Roux and all his info is here!

    He lives in the boy's dorm and was assigned to the Exemplars team. Plz give me ALL OF THE THINGS.
    Wednesday, May 27th, 2015
    8:03 am
    Just a note that comment emails don't seem to be working right now. I'm just now seeing replies made yesterday, because I'm checking the site. I never got any emails.

    Sunday, May 17th, 2015
    2:42 am
    Concert Log
    With Josh's mun being tied up due to limited access (I know how badly that sucks), should we continue the concert thread as if he was there, but skip him for the time being? It's been a long while now and I'd like to get that finished. It seems pretty important to the rest of the group plots.
    Thursday, May 14th, 2015
    9:39 pm

    Welcome, new peoples who I may not have greeted properly yet. ^_^ I'm Regina. I come bearing gifts of Remy, Bobby, and Cecilia. Now, onto the things! I come seeking logs! I have some ideas based on what I've talked about with some of you in the past, but if anyone has suggestions/ideas not listed here, feel free to speak up. I love me some logs.

    Things to do! )
    Wednesday, May 13th, 2015
    6:35 am
    I know I've been quiet and I apologize. Work has been hell and, thankfully, the hard part may be just about over.

    If anyone has any specific ideas they'd like to do with Emma and/or Lorna, please let me know. Otherwise, I'll try to update either Thursday or Friday as I have a four-day weekend this week. It makes me happy.
    Sunday, May 10th, 2015
    10:28 am
    hey guys sorry i've been slow the week kind of got away from me :/ i plan on catching up on tags today!

    some bad news though - my roommate who has the internet under his name will be moving in a few days, and taking the internet with him. i'm not quite sure what day he is leaving or what day it will be turned off, but i think he said something about the 13th (he isn't the best on being specific, etc...) and we're moving at the end of the month and so i don't think between that time and then we will have internet access and i'm still not even sure when we will be getting it at the house since i am leaving that all up to my fiance. i will be around with my phone and such but i will definitely be slowed down especially when it comes to actual scenes and not just little comments here and there. i'm very sorry!
    Monday, May 4th, 2015
    7:02 pm
    hello! like the mod post said i'm nicole and bringing in karolina dean. i've changed her up a bit for the mutant power swap aspect of the game. namely, she's not an alien and just a regular mutant. her parents are also mutants and still part of the pride which is more of a pro-mutant, anti-human group. a bit of a mix between the brotherhood and the hellfire club.

    karolina doesn't know how much her parents hate humans though and she's pretty carefree. she was a graduate last year in 2014 and has been attending college while living at the institute. i figured it's the best of both worlds. she'll know a lot of the students and a lot of the residents. can't wait to jump in!

    editing this i'm also bringing in theresa cassidy. mostly she goes by terry though. she's an empathic metamorph and teaches creative writing now. she did go to the institute for high school and spent most of it looking like the epitome of what most teenagers feel like during that crappy period of life;) just more like a crazy, red-eyed, hulking beast of a thing. she can be pretty outspoken and occasionally has an empathic breakdown but is involved in a lot of training and yoga to try to avoid that. tom and/or sean would be amazing!
    Sunday, May 3rd, 2015
    8:29 pm
    hey all, fanny here, and like the mod post said i'm bringing in pietro with mimic's powers! he's pretty obsessed with himself and his sister, and has been a staple at the institute now for a long time. most of his time is spent thinking about how awesome he is or coddling wanda, but he can also be found bar-hopping in manhattan when he needs to get out or helping with team scrimmages when he's REALLY bored. send me all your plots ♥!!!!!
    Friday, May 1st, 2015
    7:45 am
    Thanks to everyone for the kind thoughts this week.

    Also, I remembered a Catholic funeral would be long, but I forgot about the constant up-down, up-down and wore 3-inch heels. That was painful.
    Wednesday, April 29th, 2015
    11:12 pm
    I suck right now but I WILL be back, just a crazy week at work.

    xo Neatta
    10:37 am
    Hi everyone! I'm Chevalle, Alaskan resident and theatrical. I'm bringing in Billy Kaplan as GLITTERATTI, a sophomore at Xavier's with Dazzler's mutations. He only got here this year so he's still pretty new to the school. Billy's openly gay, something that caused him a lot of grief at his former school, and is a blossoming LGBT rights activist (and future mutant rights activist, as he develops in-game!). He's very into polisci and also art because Billy is obsessed with superheroes and comics! Thus, Xavier's is all around the perfect place for him to be. He's a pretty fun guy though he does have a built-up wall around dudes because of the bullying he's been subjected to for years. From the looks of things, he's going to be kicking it on the Exemplars (hey Jean Grey!) and rooming with Victor.

    I'm open to all the things! Since he's pretty new relationships with people are going to still be fresh. Friends? Enemies? Crushes? People that Billy irritates? Yes, please!
    Tuesday, April 28th, 2015
    7:30 am
    We had a death in the family this weekend so I may not be as available as I would like this week. Funeral is Wednesday, and I get the day off for it, but I've got to work Friday to make up for it.

    I'm going to be spending Wednesday with my family, because of the whole thing. If I don't get back to you immediately, please understand that's probably why.
    Saturday, April 25th, 2015
    1:33 pm
    WENCHES. I HAVE SURVIVED THE FINALS. YOUR LIVES MAY RESUME NOW. I am back and ready to party! ... Woot woot.
    Thursday, April 23rd, 2015
    3:42 pm
    Hey hey hey,

    I'm Neatta, bringing you Scott Summers. He has Rictor's powers and is going by "Tremor." Other than that, he's pretty much the same Scott as always.

    Let me know about desired plot, etc!

    edit I have Mystique as well! Not blue or immortal, but still fairly immoral.
    2:55 pm
    Hi there! I bring you Victor Borkowski. He's the same Vic you know and love except not reptilian. So, more confident and maybe just a smidge more cocky. He's a sophomore at Xavier's. He's from Illinois and he's got Quentin Quire's powers. He's currently in the Renegades squad! So, sup Alison! He's also currently without a roommate. SO. Fun times. He's personable, easy to get along with, and he likes to try and make people smile.

    Also, every now and then, he picks up on thoughts. He tries REALLY HARD not to pry but uh. People think really hard around here. So, if there's ever any embarrassing thoughts you want Vic to pick up on and react to -- we can have some fun times. :D

    Anyway, looking forward to writing with you all!
    Wednesday, April 15th, 2015
    3:53 pm
    hi everyone this is me sheepishly posting to apologize for being mia. basically time got away from me AGAIN and then daredevil came out on netflix so you can just guess how my free time has been spent....

    i will be working on catching up with what i missed and hopefully getting something posted today or tomorrow depending on how my evening goes! just as a heads up, my life is pretty hectic at the moment (moving/cleaning the house we're moving into/prepping the nursery/planning my own baby shower, etc!!!) so i will be on pretty sporadically, but i'm hoping once the move is through things will start to settle more!!

    again i am soooo sorry!! i was, and still am, really looking forward to jumping into this game! i wish things hadn't gotten so crazy all of a sudden irl :/
    Sunday, April 12th, 2015
    6:42 am
    I really want to pick up a student, but I don't know who I want. Plus, I don't want to get overloaded since I haven't played in a game in a few years. I just feel like I can only do so much with her. Suggestions? I want someone who might not interact with Emma very often so that I'm not constantly trying to play with myself. That gets old really quick.
    Saturday, April 11th, 2015
    11:08 am
    Sorry that my replies took so long. I haven't been feeling well with the rise of spring. It's a pain in my ass and makes it hard to breathe. :(
    Monday, April 6th, 2015
    10:17 am
    Lori is awesome and tags should be fixed! If you have any issues, let me know:D
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