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Below are 20 journal entries, after skipping by the 20 most recent ones recorded in XSwap: OOC's InsaneJournal:

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    Saturday, July 18th, 2015
    3:29 am
    Hello all! I will be chiming in with two characters. The first is Sofia Mantega who has Ororo Munroe's powers. She's brand new to the school and is arriving after destroying her father's store in a fit of teenage angst. Her dad's kind of a jerk. Her normally white hair is dyed brown and she's gotten used to wearing brown contacts to hide her blue eyes. Her father was a stickler for fitting in. She'll be a junior in the Fall and is super excited about coming to a mutant school.

    I also have Lila Cheney with Vanessa Carlysle's powers. She's blue, grew up in England with a group of Morlocks, found out she could not be blue, started a band, abandoned her Morlock family, got arrested after they exacted revenge on her and is showing up this summer to be the music teacher in September.

    I'd love love love plots and have a lot of character/new power combinations to memorize!
    Sunday, July 12th, 2015
    10:37 am
    AHOY! Here's some plot/log stuff for Julian, and if anyone wants to get in on this, let me know!

    * Julian's birthday is coming up at the end of the month, and for celebration he's planning on taking his friends and teammates to an amusement park. They don't need no stinking tickets either, his plan is to just find an abandoned spot and fly everyone over the fence. Yeah. So for now that means Santos, Tabitha, and Kurt are invited (there will be an official IC invitation sent out soonish.) Anyone else who may be friends should speak up!
    * I really think he and Alison should meet - he's probably going to be one of the few people that may like her. If she can tolerate praise with a side of damning.
    * EMMA. She and Julian need to have a talk about parents and revenge and lawyers and money. Woot. (And maybe Julian's possibly ill advised birthday planns.)
    * Anyone who's thinking about picking up a new character, please check out Julian's wanted tag. It's actually fairly broad, the main pre-requisite being that they escaped Haven (a "troubled teen" facility that was more like a torture dungeon) together and, well, FRIENDSHIP.
    * Potential ex-girlfriends?

    Thursday, July 9th, 2015
    9:49 pm
    Hello friends and gentlefolk, I am the amazing Lee! And this is Clint Barton, known in most other universes as Hawkeye.

    His early history is the same: parents die, he and his brother run away from foster care to join the circus, Clint gets picked to assist the Swordsman and learn all sorts of bladed weapon fun. But instead of getting to learn archery, he discovered he could control fire! (More on that here.) He's just now arriving at the school, complete with a partially-healed broken leg from his father figure attempting to murder him, soooo he might have a difficult time settling in. Also! He has all of a fifth grade education, so I imagine he's getting hella summer tutoring.
    Wednesday, July 8th, 2015
    8:56 pm
    Hello! Jessi here, with #4!

    This is Illyana Rasputin, with her brother's powerset. She can change her skin to steel. It also makes her taller, heavier, and much MUCH stronger.

    Personality wise, she's boycrazy. Kind of shy but asks a lot of questions. Scared of magic and telepathy. Wants a puppy. SHE'S PRECIOUS, OK? Treat her kind.

    And this is totally a call for Piotr or Mikhail. BRING ME YOUR RUSSIANS.
    Tuesday, July 7th, 2015
    9:11 pm
    Doofus Incoming
    Hello! I'm that new player mentioned below, Carla, but more importantly: this is Guido Carosella.

    Yeah. Strong Guy. And while he's still pretty strong, he also gets some big giant feathery wings on his back! That's right, he's got Angel's powerset (Worthington flavor), so he's kind of looks like a big broski got knocked into one of those fancy 'Dream Angel' bra displays at Victoria's Secret. It doesn't make much sense, but don't worry: he knows that too.

    He'll be teaching drama to the fine students at Xavier's as well as walking around without a shirt on (SUN'S OUT GUNS OUT). Learn more about him here (IF YOU DARE) and I did notice that he's got this big gap of time between graduating NYU and making it to teaching drama here at the school, so if anyone anted to know Guido here through his wild roaring 20s, I will personally entertain anyone interested? I do a mean soft shoe.

    Also? If anyone feels like photoshopping a bunch of wings on to Channing Tatum, I will pay you in Magic Mike gifs I have stolen from Tumblr.
    1:21 pm
    WELL. IT'S ME AGAIN. Heather here with Megan Gwynn. But wait, you might say, she doesn't look like the cute little teen we're used to... Well, no. Firstly, she's 25. Secondly, holy shit is she hot. FOREWARNING: If you go looking at her icons, do be careful. Many of them feature bikinis. Some are "tastefully nude" in that you can't see a nipple or anything but she's definitely naked.

    Now that that's out of the way.

    So this is Megan. She grew up in Wales and had a lovely life until her mutant powers kicked in. What are those? Well. Like Shaw, she can tap into your brain and dredge up all the details of your deepest, darkest fears (and all the little loser fears too). But where Shaw projects an illusion, Megan shapeshifts and actually BECOMES your fears. So, I mean. That's a thing.

    This has led to a lot of bad shit in her life. Lots. Being repeatedly institutionalized, killin' folks. She's gone a little crazy but she hides it as best she can. She's also a professional gold digger so there's that too. If she had a theme song, it would be Hell on Heels by the Pistol Annies.
    Monday, July 6th, 2015
    7:09 pm
    HELLO WORLD. Here with my final (probably) character is Julian Keller! AKA Hellion [info]rebelrevanchist. Yes, he kept the codename. Now it comes more from the fact that he’s such a little shit-stirrer than anything else. He’s still loud, abrasive, and arrogant, but a bit less of a bully. This does not mean he’s not prone to his moments of being an asshole though. He comes equipped with tactile telekenesis, telepathy, and super intelligence so yes, he thinks he’s better than you. He just doesn’t rub it in everyone’s face quite so much. Except for crowing over the fact that he’s the Hellion of the team Hellions. He’s been at the school for roughly a year now and his birthday’s at the end of the month so he expects to party.

    Below is the TLD:DR version of my other characters, along with potential plot hooks and/or scenes. If you have ideas that I haven't mentioned, say so!

    This got a bit long, or so she said )
    6:30 pm
    hello everyone! my name is riley and i bring everyone's favorite (maybe? maybe?) rock based dunderhead. except he's not a big lunk of rock anymore! santo vaccaro is your typical sixteen year old boy if typical sixteen year old boys have fairy wings and produce fairy dust. yeah, he's not too happy about that but he's still pretty much the same old santo, loud, obnoxious, thinks he's hilarious, feel free to poke fun at him and watch him get mad and red. it's pretty funny. he should have plots with all of the students, specifically kurt who is his roommate and whoever is on his squad and anyone else!
    Thursday, July 2nd, 2015
    7:56 pm
    I'm home, but it's nap time. Will post later. Plz leave message if you need anything specific when I get up.

    - Lori

    7/3/15: I'm sick today. I may or may not reply. Depends on how long I can stay awake on this phenergan.

    7/4/15: I'm a lot better today. Hubby brought this shit home last weekend and I thought I'd skimmed by without getting sick. Nope. Life wanted me to get him home from surgery before I threw my guts up. Thanks, body. Other than feeling like I have a MASSIVE hangover, I'm okay. Thanks for the well-wishes. I'm just pissed I was sick most of my 4-day weekend. :(
    3:40 pm
    prom stuffs!
    Okay, so! Since Prom just happened upon us and we steamrolled right past it, I figured it might be a good idea if we take a moment to figure out what our kids did at Prom if we don't get the chance to do any back-dated threads! This post is Mod-Tested, Mod Approved™.

    So, comment here with the name of your character in the subject line and then make a list of a) things they did and/or b) actions that require another character so people can volunteer their character for shenanigans! So, for example:
    • Vic danced his heart out.
    • Vic spiked the punch with ____________.*
    • and then he did the Hokey Pokey and turned himself around.
    People should totes still do backdated threads and whatnot because inquiring minds want to know! Plus, just because you list it doesn't mean you can't scene it out! Also, this is not just for students! There are chaparones. So, if you have that one teacher who spiked their own punch and ended up doing the sad clown dance of loneliness whilst the DJ played Don't You Forget About Me by Simple Minds I'M LOOKING AT YOU SUMMERS or hooking up with that student you know you shouldn't then hey! Here you go. Let's make it happen.

    * Vic didn't really spike the punch, kthanxbi.
    Wednesday, July 1st, 2015
    8:44 am
    Saturday, June 27th, 2015
    10:03 pm
    Just a note that IJ is sending me some replies and not others. If you're waiting on someone, you might want to double check. I didn't get a reply from 9am or a reply from 20 minutes ago. I got the ones prior and after them though.

    WTF, IJ?

    Also, I have to work Sunday night. I'm taking my husband to have outpatient surgery on Thursday. I don't know what my week is going to look like right now.
    Thursday, June 25th, 2015
    7:56 am
    I find it hilarious that our OOC posts turn into a flurry of kitten gifs sometimes. I am not afraid to admit that I helped.


    Edited to add. )
    Wednesday, June 24th, 2015
    8:50 pm

    I am not on a real hiatus but this is a warning I will be slow (and short when it comes to tags--its easier for me to do a little less more often than it is to wait several days, I lose the spark). I am really exhausted this week and on top of that there are DRAMZ at my place of work that are just draining me further.

    I'm still here, you are all still excellent. Just bear with me.
    And click here it's super important.

    - Neatta
    Tuesday, June 23rd, 2015
    1:02 pm
    So I love you guys so much I already made a second character. How's that for tricks?

    This is Heather Cameron, canonly Lifeguard. But wait, you might say, isn't she half alien baby? Eeeeeeh, fuck that. Shi'ars can suck a... anyway. I've given her a more "recent" character's powers in the form of Alisa Tager/Cipher. You know, remember when there was all that hype that precious Doug was coming back and it turned out to be this chick instead? Poor Doug...

    That means Heather has full-spectrum invisibility, inaudibility, phasing, and (when invisible) telepathic immunity to a degree. We're still working on that degree. She's been with Xavier's for six months but had been keeping her existence a total secret. As it is, here's a list of people who know she's around: Raven, Charles, Remy, Jean and Irene (either through her own powers or Raven telling her. Working on that). So she's going to start revealing herself bit by bit but until then...

    She's had six months of spying on fucking everyone as security under Raven. I'm gonna set up a drop box on her journal, all private comments, if you wanna leave me some stuff she's seen dirt wise. She's not the blackmail type but I mean, it'd be funny amirite?

    Fun stuff below! )
    Thursday, June 18th, 2015
    11:12 am
    Hey guys and girls. My name is Heather and I'm writing this from McDee's on my lunch break at the Wally world.

    This is Kurt. Much of his history in the early years is the same though with alterations made for his powers. Not by much though. My intense knowledge of Morph lets me know that as a baby, Kurt appeared to be kind of a gooey white blob with arms. Because of some shit that happened to him in the circus, he sometimes wakes up as a girl and can't change from female morphs (unless they're inanimate objects).

    He's 17 and a sophomore which is quite the trick for someone who has never stepped foot in a school before. Obviously he's got the Raven thing going on for him which means hey Irene and Anna Marie.... whut upm

    So ploy with me bbs. I'm here, he's half queer and we're here to party.
    8:41 am
    Who has access to the Danger Room?
    Does it even exist?

    I need to know these things and I figure it's a good thing to announce to the public rather than hitting the drop box and forgetting to share.
    Wednesday, June 17th, 2015
    8:28 pm

    I'm Regina, BTW. ^_^ Was a little busy from my end, I just started a new job so I haven't been checking here as often as I should. WELCOME NEW PEOPLE. I'm feeling more settled. IT IS TIME TO PLAY. Below is the TLD:DR version of my characters, along with potential plot hooks and/or scenes. If you have ideas that I haven't mentioned, say so!

    This got a bit long, or so she said )
    Saturday, June 13th, 2015
    1:02 am
    hey, my name is jessi and i took a giant break from the game and forgot to tell anyone. health issues, man.

    i wanted to say hi and that i'm still here with kevin (~growgrowgrow) and rahne (~cyph3r1ng) and up for interactions. i think kevin got to talk to some of the students but i fucking forget if i even posted for rahne.

    anyway, i'm sorry. and i'm back. hello~
    Monday, June 8th, 2015
    5:05 pm
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