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Sunday, July 12th, 2015

    Time Event
    [ Scott ]
    It was brought to my attention that you might be the person to talk to if I wanted to start learning some self-defense tactics. With the recent rise of issues close to home, I'm very interested in making sure that I'm better prepared if something did happen when I was around.

    Plus, I heard you throw a mean punch.
    Once again, church was lovely and gave me a reminder that I certainly needed...

    Alle Bitterkeit und Grimm und Zorn und Geschrei und Lästerung sei ferne von euch samt aller Bosheit. Seid aber gegeneinander freundlich, barmherzig, vergebet einander, gleichwie auch Gott in Christus euch vergeben hat.
    It's weird, being here when school isn't in session.

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