XSwap: Net's Journal
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in XSwap: Net's InsaneJournal:

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    Sunday, November 8th, 2015
    11:39 pm
    Thursday, November 5th, 2015
    4:05 am
    I'm sorry!
    I'm so sorry I forgot about Go Chess! Club. I wish I could come up with a really good excuse for what happened, but I just...forgot. But then nobody around here is ever much use at picking up the slack, you'd think if anyone wanted to have a club, they could have pitched in. I'm not the only one who owns a go set and a chess set, am I?

    Well, maybe I am, how would I know? The truth is, when someone has a lot to do, things sometimes slip through the cracks, causing disappointment. For which I apologize, it shouldn't have happened.

    Go Chess! Club will meet again next week. Really. I promise.
    Friday, October 30th, 2015
    12:42 am
    Halloween Meme
    1. Vampires or zombies?
    2. Witches or werewolves?
    3. Cats or bats?
    4. Skulls or jack-o-lanterns?
    5. Candy or cupcakes?
    6. Devils or angels?
    7. Pirates or ninjas?
    8. Coffins or cobwebs?
    9. Masks or face paint?
    10. Caramel apples or candy corn?
    11. Ghosts or skeletons?
    12. Graveyards or haunted houses?
    13. Trick or treat?
    Saturday, October 24th, 2015
    9:34 pm
    I need a costume for the Halloween Dance!

    This is urgent.
    Friday, October 23rd, 2015
    4:53 am
    Does such a thing as an accurate circuit diagram for an off the shelf component exist (without having to make it myself)?

    Why has the food been so bad this week? Is the normal cook sick? Can we get her back anyway?

    Speaking of accuracy, is it too much to ask that a thermometer register the temperature to within a fraction of a degree of accuracy? Why do less accurate thermometers even exist?

    No matter how long I live in this country, I will never get used to how quickly ordinary things break and how blithely everyone simply tosses them away. Why (tell me why) are things not made to be repairable?

    All in all, I cannot speak for the quality of anything this week. In fact, I cannot speak for the quality of this week as a whole. It seems to be going downhill with an unusual rapidity.

    Oh, and does anyone know who I talk to about getting more storage space?
    Friday, October 16th, 2015
    11:07 pm

    Have you heard anything else about this Haven situation?
    10:34 am
    [ Pietro ]

    Want to go climbing with me this weekend? Might be our last time before it starts cooling off. I just need to get out of the damn house.
    10:27 am
    [ Jean ]

    Can you write a program that can be used as an internet backdoor? I think we might be able to do some damage to Haven by dumping all their files onto the internet. Thoughts?

    [ Cecilia ]

    What do you think about stepping out this weekend and taking a look at Haven with me? Julian is getting persistent and I'd like to show him that we mean business so that he doesn't try anything himself.
    Monday, October 12th, 2015
    7:34 am
    [ Julian ]

    Honey, I need your help with something very important. Come by my office after class so we can talk about it.
    Sunday, October 11th, 2015
    4:06 am
    I've decided to start a chess & go club. It will meet on Sunday evenings, and anyone who wants to play chess or go (or both) will be welcome.

    This is entirely unofficial, but I'm really hoping there aren't too many rules about starting clubs. Still, if there are I'm sure someone will inform me.

    I'm going to call it the Go Chess! Club.
    Saturday, October 10th, 2015
    11:57 pm

    What should I be for Halloween?
    Friday, October 9th, 2015
    10:10 pm
    What's this shithead Haven shit I'm seeing on shitty TV?
    Thursday, October 8th, 2015
    8:30 pm

    Do you like apples?
    Wednesday, October 7th, 2015
    11:34 pm
    [Jean Grey]

    Honey, find a soft, squishy part of Scott Summers and stick your flag in him.
    7:28 pm
    To: Emma Frost
    From: Julian Keller

    Professor Frost,

    Those motherfuckers are advertising

    I know where they are

    Won't be hard at all I'm not chained anymore

    I'm going to fucking-

    Tell me something's being done about this before I put holes in walls. Please.

    - Julian
    Monday, October 5th, 2015
    2:04 am
    To: "All Staff" staff@xaviers.edu
    From: "Emma Frost" e.frost@xaviers.edu
    Subject: Important Information

    'You have (1) unread message(s)' )
    Friday, October 2nd, 2015
    2:43 pm
    I was expecting a package, it's supposed to be delivered but it's not here. Does anyone know where it is?

    [Private to Jono] (edited to add a bit later)

    Hey, if you were serious about wanting to hear what I can do with the drums, I've got it now. I've got it back. Let's do something soon.

    [Private to Lorna] (ETA even later)

    You're good at this sort of thing. Any suggestions on what I've gotta do to find my stuff? I'll do Please?
    Wednesday, September 30th, 2015
    5:04 pm
    I just saw someone walking through the supermarket in a pig costume...

    Anyone want a Fruit Rollup?
    Tuesday, September 29th, 2015
    10:21 pm

    Since I'm stuck as one of the Homecoming chaperones, I don't suppose you'd be my date.
    Monday, September 28th, 2015
    6:18 pm
    I am going to get ice cream after class tomorrow
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