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Sunday, June 14th, 2015

    Time Event
    If you think you would be on Lorna's filter as a friend, go ahead and reply. That way I'm not constantly spamming Melissa with [Wanda]'s.

    Has anybody seen the new guy yet? Is he interesting?

    What about that new crazy bitch chick? Is she worth my time or should I leave her be?

    Have I missed anyone else that's new? You know how I like to be friendly. I just get really distracted sometimes.
    [Tabitha Smith]
    I was informed of your "performance" at the rally by another professor.

    Officially, I am very disappointed in the fact that you left a civilian trapped in concrete. We need to try to make sure that doesn't happen again and I'm going to have to keep a closer eye on you from now on. *waggles disapproving finger at you*

    Unofficially... )

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