XMI OOC - December 2nd, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Xavier Memorial Institute OOC

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December 2nd, 2009

Newbie-alert [Dec. 2nd, 2009|08:47 pm]
[mood | cheerful]


I've been a roleplayer for years and years, but I'm new to this whole format of journal roleplaying so I'll probably be asking questions for a while. I've setup the journal for my character, Lizzie, at http://notsothinlizzie.insanejournal.com/ and I've created an AIM that I think should be daemoncandy@aim.com if I understand their system correctly, but I prefer Skype or MSN.

Question - I'm not certain how timelines work. I see that there's a thread with Adam and Ben having dinner. Can I start another thread that takes place a day or two later and tag for instance Adam, while people are still writing in the earlier thread?

Looking forward to playing with you and hope I'll get the hang of this soon. :-)
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