XMI OOC - November 24th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Xavier Memorial Institute OOC

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November 24th, 2009

'sup? [Nov. 24th, 2009|10:58 pm]


So here's Heather again. I pretty much ditched my whole crew. Sorry.

This here is Ian FitzGibbon, former NYC cabbie and other things. His closest friends can call him Fitz if they want. He's used to it. He's not a hero and he's not on the team and he's not a teacher. He's in the glorious world of Maintenance. He likes to believe that he's the cog and wheel that keeps this dump running - not that he actually means the word dump. It's just an expression. He's a smoker and a drinker and loves the ladies. He makes a mean balloon hat.

He's pretty much on the island because JP "dragged" him along. Also, beaches. His pale ass needs a tan.

Catch me on AIM at NemesisKismet as per usual.
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