Xavier Memorial Institute - November 6th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Xavier Memorial Institute

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November 6th, 2009

[Nov. 6th, 2009|09:18 pm]
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Who: Adam and Naiya
When: Evening
Where: Boardwalk in LA somewhere

It'd been a nice evening, as far as Adam was concerned. They'd had dinner at an Italian place he'd discovered last year. Italian food was one of his favorites, since they usually had a good assortment of vegetarian and fish dishes. Which meant he could have whatever he wanted for dessert.

The movie had been pretty good and all in all, it had been one of the best dates he'd ever been on. A lot of the pressure had been taken off, since he didn't have to explain anything to Naiya about his career or his mutation. That had made a lot dates awkward. Especially the ones who lost interest in him when they found out what his mutation was.

One of them even asked him if he was gay, apparently based on his mutation and that he hadn't tried to put the moves on her. That had been a fun evening.

"You want to go for a walk?" he asked Naiya as they left the movie theater. "It's a nice night out."
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