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Loss. [May. 30th, 2008|07:34 am]

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Daniel's decided to not continue to play - so we've lost our Cyclops and Angel. They're up for grabs - or if anyone knows a player who isn't a member of the game that would like to play either of them, let them know we have open characters.

Thanks guys,


P.S. Please remember to post any last replies to threads that are already established. Once we're nearly done, I'll post the fast-forward and then anything we have left to write out can be backdated. Looking at mid-June for the landing time in the jump. :) And the cure will be right around the corner - ASAP.
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Cykes [Apr. 7th, 2008|11:10 am]


Daniel here, player of Angel, and since Rob decided to drop Cykes for Wolverine, I've decided to snag up Scott. I'm using his journal, keeping the bio he made and just about everything that has been established for him by Rob. So props to Rob for letting me ride his coat tails and take over Scott after he did all the work!

I can be found on devii bythe deed on aim for plottage and stuff.
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Major Apologies! [Mar. 16th, 2008|02:32 am]

Hey, all, I'm sooooo sorry I've been absent for most of the time. A lot of work came up and now that I'm done with most of it, I figured I'd apologize. I'll throw Warren in real quick on the Darkseeker thread, and I definitely owe Leigh a response!
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Salutations [Mar. 2nd, 2008|02:43 pm]
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Hello, everyone. I'm a new addition here, you can call me Daniel, and I'm bringing in my version of Angel. I say my version because I think there was one before? I don't know, but either way his information is up in a backdated post on my journal which is not much to look at, I assure you. Anyway, I'll probably try and come up with some things like wanted threads or lines with other characters, so keep an eye out.

Want to play or talk, I'll be on the following aim account: devii bythe deed
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