X-Men: The Aftermath OOC - November 5th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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November 5th, 2008

[Nov. 5th, 2008|05:13 pm]



Hey everyone.

I wanted to apologize for being scarce. I've been sick and while that's kept me at home in bed, looking at the computer for too long just prolongs the current sinus headache that comes with an infection of that same area.

But I'm starting to feel better, so if anyone wants to put together a scene with Icarus -- drop me a line.
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New Rogue. [Nov. 5th, 2008|05:46 pm]


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Hi. Just a few notes - I'm taking Rogue over, and she needs a John and Bobby to go with Kitty. Whee!

This Rogue never took the cure (as per X3 novel canon) and she has never been with the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants. She's all nerdy and crap, and a bit pent up, so... that'll probably cause some fun at some point. She is also not dating Iceman, nor has she since he dated Kitty. And she probably never will, unless he does some fancy wooing. Most of her energy has been directed at training (physical!) and studying (college!) and more recently missions (volunteering!). So she could probably us a break.

I'd love to interact with Jubilee, Kitty, Sunfire/pyre, Colossus and Wolvy. Look out, y'all.


P.S. I found this on deviantart and had to share it. It's by 'drcool'.

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