X-Men: The Aftermath OOC - October 25th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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October 25th, 2008

Howdy. [Oct. 25th, 2008|11:48 am]

Because my ability to sit and chat on AIM has become incredibly limited, I figured I'd throw this out there.

Jeanne-Marie would like to play!! I've got her wanted scenes up to date, and I've been keeping an eye out for open posts that would be appropriate for JM to pop in on. But if you have any ideas for things you'd like to do with JM, lemmie know! :)

You can either PM, comment here, or email me (absynthefaerie[@]gmail.com), and if you happen to see me online, IM away.

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All-Member Opinion Request / Activity Check [Oct. 25th, 2008|05:09 pm]


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I know there have been a ton of OOCs lately, so this will be short and sweet. There has been little activity lately in the IC communities, and after seeing the results of the poll (and feedback from a few members), Dan and I would like to ask if you would like to fast forward the game (which would help with some of you newer members plot-wise!) by 6 months or a year.

So, please let us know. And as Dan said earlier, the results to his survey will be posted once a few more people have taken it. There are 10 so far.

Anyhow, comment here with your name in the subject and if you'd prefer to fast forward or not, and if so, would you prefer it to be 6 months or a year.

Thanks so much for your patience guys. Hopefully things will get moving again asap.


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