X-Men: The Aftermath OOC - October 17th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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October 17th, 2008

Heyo~! [Oct. 17th, 2008|06:59 pm]
[Tags|, ]
[Current Mood | chipper]

Hey guys, I'm David, newbie to the comm.

I'm bringing in the smartass feral known as Wild Child. I've been playing him on and off for a very long time and am really excited to get back into a game! As always plots are love, I'd love to get some tension going between Kyle, Wolvie and Sabertooth... Kyle also has a habit of getting stupid over women, so that's always fun, but any and all plottage is rockin'.

I work online and as such am generally always up for a scene. Threads work AIM is love! Feel free to hit me up for anything, ManoLeander and HippyDamien both work, so pick the name you like most.

Thanks for having me! :D
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