X-Men: The Aftermath OOC - October 13th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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October 13th, 2008

So I was thinking... [Oct. 13th, 2008|05:57 am]


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I think there need to be more missions, and more real life, out-in-the-world situations. These would be ideal for the upcoming plot. So, if any of you would like to put together some threads where your character is paired with others of your choice (or volunteers) start some brainstorming here or in IM. I think they could be fun and help break the cabin fever.

• assisting government agents with clean up / restoration across the country
• aiding Morlocks in their concentrated settlements (could have some wacky fun with this one)
• assisting homo sapiens with locating family members or rebuilding homes, etc (anything!)
• visiting with their own families/helping them return home from the safe zones, now that things are moving back toward normalcy
• passing out food / supplies to Morlocks or humans
• assisting chain companies rebuild and resupply stores
• working at churches / schools
• settling disputes between other (rogue) mutants and homo sapiens
• rescuing homo sapiens or other mutants from Upir-infected mutants
• helping to restore communications and repair vital pieces of technology throughout buildings and cities in New York (or anywhere)
• interact with the vampires - X-Men or non-X-Men (tag someone, they'll probably respond, lol)

I'm sure you guys can think of other things as well. There was one more thing I wanted to mention; Time spent at Xavier's. Every character in the game that is currently at Xavier's school has had to have been there at least 9 months. Most have been there for 10 or more. But very few were on their own during the peak of the crisis / apocalypse. No one has arrived recently (fall, summer or spring). I just wanted to make sure that that was clear. The Brotherhood are an exception - but they have all been there 8+ months, as well. So, for interaction purposes, everyone should have at least seen everyone else by now. If the person has an important job at the school, they should know their names and most likely would've interacted with them. Staff members and faculty should know all other staff, faculty and most other individuals. I know there are some loners, but it's really unlikely that everyone would still be meeting other people. It's a mansion, not a city. Lol. Mostly, it's really uncomfortable writing characters not knowing other people when as a player, I believe they should, to some extent. And for the record, things are still a bit chaotic outside Xavier's. There aren't any city councils or McDonald's or Wal-Marts or massively functioning churches with potlucks and raffles - YET. Soon, I hope. Hopefully the winter will bring some more civility back to the world. Anyway, I just wanted to make that clear.

My, Dan, Rob and Jordan's pups are at your service, so if you'd like to include them in anything, let us know. Thanks guys, and plot on!

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Hola. [Oct. 13th, 2008|11:32 pm]
Meesh here. I wanted to give a heads up that I might be a bit slow going in my tagging. My job unexpectedly and unceremoniously ended, so job hunting has become priority number 2, school being number 1. I'm keeping up with tags as best I can, but I wanted to let people know why I might be slow.

I'm hoping (hopinghopinghopinghoping ::fingers crossed::) that I'll be able to keep Aurora and keep up with the community, but I can't make any solid promises. I'll know better by the end of the weekend, and be able to give a definite answer.

Stupid life. ::kicks it::

I'll be around on IM when I can be, so please don't hesitate to IM me, especially if you're waiting for a tag. I very well could've been distracted and forgot. :)

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