X-Men: The Aftermath OOC - October 1st, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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October 1st, 2008

Happy October! [Oct. 1st, 2008|06:17 pm]


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Just thought these would be fun to share. I found them over on LJ a few days ago. Mad hunt.


Click for the rest (full size) & cardbacks. )
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The Brotherhood (or lack thereof). [Oct. 1st, 2008|08:28 pm]


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So, rumors going around about Magneto being killed... He will be.

Where does that leave the 'Brotherhood'? I need some feedback, seriously. If you play a member of the Brotherhood, and the status of your character would be left in limbo by Magneto's death, please comment.

Folks involved...

Mystique: Going rogue / targeted for death by HFC.
Sway: Leaving / X-Men.
Pyro: Left / X-Men.
Rogue: Left / X-Men.
Toad: Unsure.
Sabretooth: Left / HFC.
Damage: Unsure.
Quicksilver: Unsure / targeted for death by HFC.
Scarlet Witch: Unsure / targeted for death by HFC.
Tabitha: Unsure.
Magneto: *ded*
Thorn: Unsure.
Demon: Unsure.
Avalanche: Unsure / vampirism (HFC inductee?).
Blob: Unsure.
Hellion: Unsure / X-Men.

So, that doesn't really leave us with a lot. The question is: should we attempt to keep a Brotherhood going, or let it fall to the wind? I'd prefer to let the pieces fall and see what happens. Cathy plans to drop Mystique and Poison, by the way, and we will be gaining a Quicksilver (and Husk). So we'll see how that pans out.
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