X-Men: The Aftermath OOC - September 23rd, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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September 23rd, 2008

Howdy. :) [Sep. 23rd, 2008|08:47 am]
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Newbie here, bringing in Aurora.

My name is Meesh! Heya! From the looks of the contact list, I don't believe I've played with a single one of you before, so this should be interesting. :) If you'd like any of my RP history/samples/ect, please check out [info]thetypogoddess. It's all there, in it's tl;dr glory.

As for Aurora, I'm bringing her in canon up to the virus outbreak/cure, when she came to join the X-Men. She's only been with the X-Men a short time, and she's still learning the ropes. With her teaching background, she'd fit right in there, and she also does yoga to attempt to keep her crazy in check, so if anyone wants to join her with that, they're more than welcome.

So! Woo! Excited to start playing. :) Any SL's you want to throw my way, I'm more than willing!

Feel free to shoot me an IM on MeeshRP, or PM/email, if you're more comfortable that way. I'll be making Aurora in IC AIM name soon, so once that's done, I'll update this post and the listy.

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