X-Men: The Aftermath OOC - August 5th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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August 5th, 2008

Fat!Emma! [Aug. 5th, 2008|07:14 am]


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[Current Mood | busy]

Ahem. Anyway, I was bored (as was Rob) about ten minutes ago and with the knowledge we gathered from speaking to everyone and a bit of our own input, we made a poll over on LiveJournal (because I can't make polls on InsaneJournal, because I will not give them money, because they are insane). It's a list of characters that would make fun candidates for vampiracy. There's at least one character from each player on the list, and I'd like whoever votes to pick out seven (7!) characters they think would work best (or worst?) as vampires. lol Whoever you think would be interesting. You have to log in to LiveJournal, but I know most of you have accounts over there from our ALMOST switch. So if you have a minute or you're bored, go check it out (& PLEASE don't vote for your own characters. Thank you!):


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